
Has anyone got any good tatts and did it hurt a lot.

Answer #1

I got a flower and star to represent my herritage behind my right shoulder, and it didn’t hurt as I thought it would. it was more of a annoying sting. a few parts when shadding kinda hurt, but thats it.

Answer #2

I haven’t got any tatts yet but have a very good friend covered in them, he said they dont really hurt but the one on his tricep did a lot! hope this helps.

Answer #3

It depends on where you get it! Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others, and line-work doesn’t hurt as much as filling does. The better the artist, the less it should hurt; an experience artist won’t have a “heavy hand” and dig in more than necessary.

Answer #4

I’ve got a tattoo on the back of my neck, directly over that bone that sticks out back there… & it hurt like hell !! its not unbearable, it just felt like the tattoo artist was literally cutting into my skin with a knife or something. & it hurt until a couple days after, like a slight sting/burn. I mean, it wasnt too bad, & it was small so it only lasted about 4 minutes.. let me put it this way, if I woulda known it was going to feel the way it did I still would have done it !

Answer #5

You can see some of mine in my pictures.

I have 6 stars that go down my spine from bigger to smaller. I have a chinese symbol below those that means “Beautiful” I have 1 star on my right hand I have 1 star on my left hand I have writing on my hip - that says “Forever Truly Yours” in cursive.

The only one’s that hurt - were the one’s on my spine.

Answer #6

I have a tattoo on my upper middle back, it did not hurt a lot but I did feel pain during the coloring and shading. I got a heart with daggers and a halo around it.

Answer #7

Dang, blood? Because they colored in, huh? I got one on my left wrist, writing.. it didn’t hurt at all, it felt like they were plucking hairs. Except when they went over the bone…=)

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