How can I survive Christmas break without him?

The danged thing is 2 weeks and i’m happy that I don’t have to do geometry but I’m sad because I’m not going to see my friend(heheh more than a friend) and usually people that I talked to in school become cold towards me after everyone that gets back and I don’t know why! I don’t want that to happen to us! We where making such good progress In our relationship ad I’m building up the courage to tell him those 3 words when school goes out in the summer- and hey! how did this go from Christmas to summer? oh well but seriously I don’t want to loose that and I want to be happy since family and I is going to Disney land!

Answer #1

Geometry? A little early in life to be putting so much energy into relationships. You will survive just fine. There are chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy when you are with him. You are addicted to him. You are in withdrawal now and are depressed because of it. You need to get involved in extracurricular stuff and fit him into your life. Don’t fit your life into him. You are too young to think like that.

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