Suicidal Friend.

One of my closest friends are going suicidal. They told me that they want to kill them selves because she misses some people who died, and that she’s failing school because she was out sick for 3 days and her homework keeps piling up. And her boy friend left her for another, and then wanted to get back with her after her noticed he didn’t like that other girl as much he did with her. And she also cuts herself and often talks about wanting to overdose on pills and other things… She talks about ho much she hates herself and she tells me shes fat and ugly. When shes not. Shes pretty, and shes not fat shes like a size 7. I don’t know what to do. Please help me…

Answer #1

well talk to her. she’s not the first and certainly not the last to feel that way. the people she misses have gone to a better place and no longer suffer rembering them keeps them alive within her. loosing herslef completely won’t bring them back or make them happy to see her suffer so much. the homework, just ask for help tell the teachers get a friend to help tutor and help her through her homework catch up on weekends the boyfriend, fuck him she’s not some toy that he can pick up and use whenever it’s convienient for him that’s a total jackass for you she deserves better plus being single is probably best if she’s feeling as low as she does. until she’s happy with herself she won’t be happy with others. the weight, every single girl in the universe goes through that. their body issues talk to any of your friends and they will all mention something they hate about themselves. you are your own worst critic. take a compliment and don’t second guess it. and if you feel that strongly about it do something. complainging about it won’t change her pant size. if ots something that truly affects you then change it. go running do some exercise start slow plus it will help release some stress. if she continues with such talk tell somebody who can help a teacher a counslor a professional your friend will probably be mad you told but better her mad at you and alive then regretting it later at her funeral

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