What are some of your suggestions on how to manage heavy work load?

I am fairly new at my job and i’m still not used to this much load. I don’t want to not be able to deliver results. My previous job was more manageable in terms of the volume. What can you suggest? thanks!

Answer #1

When I’m feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Sort the various tasks into “priority” eg, p1, p2, etc.
  2. Start the day adding (and or deleting) stuff from each bucket.
  3. Get the p1 stuff done, first…and those things that “block” other people from getting their own work done
  4. Delegate, if you can, any unnecessaries
  5. If there are colleagues that can help, ask them how to manage the non essential, but still important, action items.

Sorry for the very late reply :)

Answer #2

The key to organizing, starting a business, or just regaining control of your life is to leverage yourself without the cost of hiring a full staff or even a private assistant here in the states-who has the money for that in this economy?

I’ve been online outsourcing for almost 10 years now and I can tell you it’s the best decision I ever made. But don’t try and do it alone–too much trial and error. There is a lot of free information out there on the web–here is one I recommend that offers free training:


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