STI worry


Been with same girl for 3 years, had our ups and downs but still together.

Few months ago we noticed an offish smell during sex. We are both being tested at the clinic on Friday but I wanted to prepare myself incase either of us test positive for something.

I have read many other posts and I have read up that it could be an infection causing the smell, my worry is that if it is an infection does that mean my girlfriend has most likely been with someone else in the last 3 years as well as me and caught something from someone else? I read that you can only get an STI if your partner has one, if you are both clean then the risk of getting an STI is very low or some people say its not possible if you are both clean.

I just want it clearing up becuase if either of us test positive for something and I know I have been faithful is it most likely that my partner has not been faithful for us to catch something?

the other unclear area is that can a girl get a different smell for other reasons without being unfaithful as in a yeast infection or somethign along those lines, not sure the exact terminology bu I have read abotu other infections and my question is can you get these infections even if you are only sleepign with one partner?

any advice on clearing this up would help me a lot


Answer #1

You’re getting hysterical over what will likely turn out to be a case of bacterial vaginosis or a simple yeast infection, both of which can cause odor, both of which can easily be contracted even by the cleanest, mother faithful partners. There aren’t many STDs that cause odor without a few other very obvious symptoms going along with it, like sores or discharge or fever. Or her pH might have simply been off that day, maybe due to ovulation.

But the fact that your girlfriend smelled a little “off” and you immediately start growing ulcers about how many other men she’s been sleeping with is a more serious concern than what her hoo-hoo smells like. Instead of racing off to the free clinic, I would think about having a long, serious, boring talk with her about what’s making you so insecure and suspicious.

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