Answer #1

In short- No.

Answer #2

I think if you believe in them then yes but if your don’t then no

Answer #3

In my opinion, yes.

Answer #4

They can torment people and it has happened. There are angels which are of God, and demons which are of satan and evil. An angel will never haunt or harm you, if one comes into your life it is for good reason.

A demon however is not there for any good reason to benefit you and shouldn’t be welcomed or “messed with in any way. People say that they have seen the “ghost” of a certain person and I believe them. They seen it, I won’t call them a liar.

However, what they saw was a demon. Because demons are on the side of satan, they can and will take on any form, including the form of a deceased person that you knew in order to “decieve” you and “draw you in” with curiosity. Because satan is the great liar and deciever.

Answer #5

P.S. I forgot to mention that there are two types of spirits: Amgels and demons. This is what I believe.

Answer #6

yes. my moms house is haunted i have seen shadow people apparitions and things move on there own.

Answer #7

I believe energy exists therefore…yes.

Answer #8

I’m not going to tell you whether spirits really exist or not. All I’m going to do is point out this: we don’t have a single example of a situation where someone was proven to have been haunted by spirits, yet we have thousands of examples of cases where people thought they were and it turns out to have been a hallucination, or cases where people fraudulently claimed they were. So, no matter what anyone tells you about their having been “possessed”, keep that in mind.

Answer #9

Haunt? No. Follow? sure.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Why not

Answer #12

yes they can …they can be obseesed with people ….either love them or hate them ….be careful

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