Speach Problems 2

Today at school it happened again,my speech/talking began to mess up again,I have started talking slowly so the words would come out,but during lunch when I was in the computer lab,I told these girls I was sitting near I wish I was at home,one whispered hoping I wouldn’t hear that they didn’t understand a word I said,it made me cry a bit after I left the lab.

Then during 6th period,a new kid in my class asked my name,I said in a sloppy way that I hated my name,he said the same thing about not understanding what I said,I told him I have been having speech problems all day.

What can I seriously do to try to fix this issue,it’s bugging me!

Answer #1

you would be surprised how many people don’t use proper english and have issues with grammar. so you have some bad, days, we all do, it might not be the exact same problem but we all have similar ones that drive us insane. I would suggest reading out load, often, and repeating words you uses commonly when you are in private areas just practice saying them. maybe record them and listen to see if they are coming out correctly.

Answer #2

I would just write on paper or text people like every other person does..but dont worry too much though..I had speech classes when I was small so yea. =]

Answer #3

What kind of speech problems? like the words just don’t come out right or do you slur your words or do you mispronounce words?

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