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What do you think I should do 2 my hair because itz getting boaring my hair is long and black and thats it no style what do you think

Answer #1

Braids or twists in the front

Answer #2

get curlers or a curling iorn

big round curls are always sassy and sophisticated!

Answer #3

I’d try adding some layers and some soft highlights to see if that brightens your face a bit.

Also, if it’s too long, it will look bulky and lack that vibrant movement that makes hair look spectacular. Keep it far far away from reaching your navel and do face framing layers to bring the whole thing together.

If you do layers, it also opens the world of styling options with curls, up-do’s, and generally crazy fun styles. Try wearing it wavy sometimes, curly others, and super straight in a high pony-tail.

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