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A change something new
What do you think I should do 2 my hair because itz getting boaring my hair is long and black and thats it no style what do you think
Braids or twists in the front
get curlers or a curling iorn
big round curls are always sassy and sophisticated!
I’d try adding some layers and some soft highlights to see if that brightens your face a bit.
Also, if it’s too long, it will look bulky and lack that vibrant movement that makes hair look spectacular. Keep it far far away from reaching your navel and do face framing layers to bring the whole thing together.
If you do layers, it also opens the world of styling options with curls, up-do’s, and generally crazy fun styles. Try wearing it wavy sometimes, curly others, and super straight in a high pony-tail.
What is something new I can do with my hair with the color blonde? - 2 Answers
I have aubern hair now but it has blonde highlightes.. I just need ideas.
Is there a software to show how I'd look with new hair? - 1 Answers
I want to change my hairstyle...Is there any software to visualise my new face without actually changing it...I dont want som...
What's a new hairstyle? - 1 Answers
im sick of the same old thing ah just give me something new!!!
Should I change my hair color? - 3 Answers
I'm thinking of trying something new, any and all ideas welcome.
when you something new to your hair everyone copys u? - 6 Answers
okay so is it me or does it feel like when you something new to your hair everyone copys u? its really annoyingg. watshould I...
What kinds of new hairstyles are there? - 1 Answers
what kind of hairstyles are there and what are they called I need to know to find something that looks goo with my face
Should I change my hairstyle? - 4 Answers
I just got a new haristyle should I change it? Does it look terrible?
Whats a website where I can change my hair color? - 2 Answers
I need a website where I can upload a pic and change my color but not try on new styles have MY hair and JUST change the colo...
new hair color, how can I change my parents minds? - 3 Answers
how can I let my parents let me dye my hair, they are to srict(lol crappy typeing sorry) How can I let them know that I am no...
What's something new I can do with my hair? - 3 Answers
I have relatively short hair (about half way down my neck) and its slightly layered and I usually straighten it but I was loo...
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