How am I suppose to feel?

Well can someone older let me know how am I suppose to feel are what I’m suppos to do. I was with this guy for 16 months and I asked for some time cause I think I’m pregnant he said sure but he want wait forever and too keep him I jumped head first back into it. Now he’s called it over cause I said I have gained wight when we tried for monta to have kids and then I find out last night he’s been cheating with my best friend and it hurts cause I still love him and wanna be with him but he says he’s over me I’m only 18 and he’s the second hit I have every dated and loved my mom says don’t cry but I can’t help it and now he’s older brother wanna be with me. Someone help please

Answer #1

First of all, do not jump into another relationship just yet…if this other guy really wants to be with you, he’ll wait until you’ve dealt with this current breakup first.

So, what you’re saying is that you got pregnant and he dumped you because you gained weight? Also, he’s been cheating on you?

I know it hurts right now - 16 months is a long relationship, but surely you can see what’s wrong with this boy. You deserve better than this and so does your baby. The guy is a deadbeat, and once you’ve had time to work through all these feelings, you’ll be able to see it more clearly. Cry if you want to - it’s part of the healing process. Just take comfort in knowing that it will get better…all you have to do is make it through one day at a time.

Once you do get yourself back on your feet, tread slowly - you don’t want to jump into another relationship just because it’s available…wait for the guy who gives you goosebumps.

One other tip - get child support payments…this boy needs to take care of his responsibility.

Answer #2

dang thats screwed up just re-evaluate and move from there

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