How am I supposed to know how he feels??

Ok, please help me out with this, and it would be god to get guy’s perspectives on the situation too.. Ok so this guy who I’ve liked for a while now added me on msn randomly so we talked there and he asked me for my number, so naturally I was quite happy! So we texted for two weeks, he text me first, always. And then one night everyone was going out and he asked where Id be going, I told him, and he sidhe’d be going to a different club with his friends, which was fine. So went out with my friends and who was there at the bar only him, so we talked all night and I was with him and all was good, he text me for another 2 weeks after that, everything seemed fine. But in the last week he didnt text as much so I cut him some slack and text first for a change a few times and all was good, but now out of no where hes stopped texting me. Is it a mind game? Or has he suddenly lost interest for no apparent reason? Or is this a guy thing, a test? Im really confused, and I refuse to text him because if he really wanted to he would be texting me like he had been. Any advice? Or any idea what hes upto? Or maybe hes just lost interest! What do you think?

Answer #1

i dont think hes lost interest. boys are very strange creatures but if u know what to look for and what thier general mannerisms are then u can figure any boy out. maybe he just thinks that u guys have been texting too much or maybe hes the type of guy that will stay in contact with someone for a while and then take a break. i know that i do that sometimes. and so do other people. like when me and my boyfriend first started going out he would call me and text me all the time and i would do the same. but after a while we just stopped doing that so often and we talked in person more. haveu tried talking to him in person more? instead of by phone? just relax. i think he still likes u.

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