Some questions regarding piercings...

My friend was wanting me to ask these questions for her since she doesn’t have interent access right now.

Here’s the deal. She’s interested in getting some piercings. Currently, she’s really thinking about her nose not the septum, just a stud at the side, and maybe a lip ring or even snake bites. But she’s got some questions about these and I had no idea what to tell her since I’m not good with piercings, so I figured someone here was bound to be able to help. Here are her questions she has -

  1. How much does a nose piercing honestly hurt? She’s pretty good with pain and stuff. When she has to get blood drew… SHE CAN LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE NEEDLE! I have to turn away lol

  2. About how much would a nose piercing cost?

  3. About how long does a nose piercing take?

  4. How much does a lip piercing honestly hurt?

  5. About how much would a lip ring cost?

  6. About how long would it take to do a lip piercing?

  7. What would be her best bet of getting - just a single lip ring, or full snake bites? Which hurts less and which is cheaper?

  8. How can she find a good, professional place that does these kinds of piercings? We live outside of a very small town so there’s not really much of interest here sadly lol

And she was also wondering what she should do about her dad and his side of the family. She knows her mom will be 100% fine with it. Her dad might be a problem though. And she knows that her grandma her dad’s mom will be a MAJOR problem. She’ll complain about it, insult her for it and everything else. She told her cousin that he looked stupid justbecause he got his ears pierced awhile ago. She will be 18 this year but her dad’s side of the family are very ridiculous. I know that from when I was invited over to their get together during the holidays. I couldn’t believe some of the stuff that went on. So what can should she do if she does decide to get these piercings? How can she get her dad and his side of the family to mind their own business and stop making such a huge deal over nothing?

If anyone can help me out here, I’d REALLY apperciate it because I honestly had no clue what to tell her since piercings isn’t my best subject, but I really want to help get my friend some good advice/info so she can make her final choice.


Answer #1
  1. How much does a nose piercing honestly hurt? Not bad at all, Its just a tiny pinch and done in less then 7 seconds.

  2. About how much would a nose piercing cost? mine was $50

  3. About how long does a nose piercing take? too get it pierced? no more then 10 seconds, or to let it heal? 4-6 weeks.

  4. How much does a lip piercing honestly hurt? not bad, I think it hurt a little more then the nose, but it was really smooth and only took a couple minutes.

  5. About how much would a lip ring cost? mine was $70

  6. About how long would it take to do a lip piercing? 4-6 weeks to heal, a couple minutes to pierce.

  7. What would be her best bet of getting - just a single lip ring, or full snake bites? one hurts less and one is cheaper,

  8. How can she find a good, professional place that does these kinds of piercings? Just find a tatoo shop that does piercings and if its clean and it seems to be good, go for it!

Answer #2

I pierced my nose myself last year, and that honestly didnt hurt too bad and it wasnt really numbed.


Answer #3
  1. They dont hurt much at all; unless your planning on getting your septum pierced. That kills apparently.

  2. Here you can get them for about $40AUS at the least.

  3. It doesnt take long at all. They just stick it through, its about 10 seconds. But it will probably be 5 - 10 minutes or so in the room as they prep their tools, and tell you about cleaning. etc

  4. Lip piercings dont hurt much at all.

  5. A decent one is about $15AUS-$20AUS

  6. This would take the same amount as it would with your nose.

  7. Well getting a single will be cheaper and hurt less. Snakebites is twice the price (usually) and twice the pain (even though it doesnt hurt much). So I dont think it matters much. Whichever would suit her more, she should get.

  8. Most piercing parlours are very professional and safe so I dont think you need to be too concerned. Any proper piercing place, or tattoo parlour that does piercings will do the job.

And for the problem with the family; if she decided to get them. The best way to deal with it, is probably just ignore their remarks. They will be hoping for a reaction from you, because if you react it means what they say if affecting you. If you dont react, and show them you dont care what they say, they will most likely get over it; and get used to it. Thats what my family did.

Answer #4

no^ mee210 profesionally done is not with the gun people who use the gun are inexpirienced idiots at a salon or mall they have less than an hour training they dont know the risks, were not to peirce, and what to do if they hit a nerve and the gun is full of germs from other peoples blood because they dont sterilize it profesional peircers has been trying to get that disgusting gun banned for years it is not a peice of peircing equiptment a surgical steele needle is the only professional thing to peirce with and its only dont profesionally if someone whith expirience does it

Answer #5

well I don’t know about the nose stuff but I pierced my own lip…

it’s just a lower lip piercing on the right side… honestly it probably didn’t hurt that bad, but I was also in a bad mood so it might have been a little less painful… but the pain is different for everyone… it doesn’t take long, if you get it done professionally then they have a piercing gun that gets it done in a few seconds…

as for the family, it’s her life, her face… she just needs to not worry about what they think… the cost of the piercing I’m not sure about because I did mine myself… but most lip rings (not the piercing but the ring) you can buy a pack of studs for around 10-20 bucks… the piercing is probably just a few dollars, like maybe ten or so… good luck…

Answer #6
  1. How much does a nose piercing honestly hurt? She’s pretty good with pain and stuff. When she has to get blood drew… SHE CAN LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE NEEDLE! I have to turn away lol on the pain scale id say about a 4.5 it pops three times and your eyes water I did mine in grade five and it didnt hurt at all but many of my friends got there professional and sed it really hurt so its all with your pain tolerence

  2. About how much would a nose piercing cost? 40-60 and that includes the stud

  3. About how long does a nose piercing take? not even ten seconds the most time is finding the spot you want it done

  4. How much does a lip piercing honestly hurt? 4 pain tolerence tho I just got my snakebites done last week and I didnt feel a thing I got one done professionally and one by a friend

  5. About how much would a lip ring cost? the actual piercing is 50$ at most places which also includes the stud/ring

  6. About how long would it take to do a lip piercing? this one does take a lil longer bc you have to pin point where you want it get the clamps and wait then take a breath in and your done

  7. What would be her best bet of getting - just a single lip ring, or full snake bites? Which hurts less and which is cheaper? I would suggest bc its her first or second facial piercing that just get the one bc if she likes it she can get the other but if she doesnt and she had gotten both shed have to scars so tell her to get the one then if she likes later on get the other

  8. How can she find a good, professional place that does these kinds of piercings? We live outside of a very small town so there’s not really much of interest here sadly lol the only suggestion for this one is google or go into a town or city that should have somewhere to get it done

and the family thing she is almost 18 which means they dont have much of a say in her life anymore plus piercings are 16 so just tell her to tell them

that “she is sick of not doing things bc it wouldnt please them she has decided to do things that would please her”

beleive me they wont like to hear it but they will have to deal its “your body, you do with it as you please”

Answer #7
  1. How much does a nose piercing honestly hurt? it depends on your pain tolerance buit not much, its bearable. her eyes will water a bit though, its normal

  2. About how much would a nose piercing cost? it depends on were you go, just dont to to an inexpirienced idiot at a salon or mall who uses the gun. around $40-$50 is a good average price

  3. About how long does a nose piercing take? about 10 seconds. they clamp the area, stick a hollow needle through, and then thread the jewelrey through the needle

  4. How much does a lip piercing honestly hurt? also depends on your pain tolerance

  5. About how much would a lip ring cost? $50 on average

  6. About how long would it take to do a lip piercing? its the same process as the nose, there all done this way. make sure to tell her that her lip will swell up to about twice the size, this is normal. the swelling should go down in around 3 days

  7. What would be her best bet of getting - just a single lip ring, or full snake bites? Which hurts less and which is cheaper? whatever she wants and is happy with, lip rings are about $50 each, so there not cheaper

  8. How can she find a good, professional place that does these kinds of piercings? a tattooist will usually have a profesional peircer, if you cant find them, google you area and try to locate some near you, make sure they use surgical steel needles though

as for her family, if its something shes getting for her, then she can stand up for herself obviously not everyone lieks peircings, but if shes happy with them thats all that matters other things you might like to know… a school with a dress code probably wotn allow peircings most jobs consider facial peircings uunattractive and unprofesional when you take them out youll be left with a small pimple sized scar skin cant reattatch itself once its fully healed around the peircing and has been there for overa few years so youll be left with a small but noticable hole of you leave it in for a long time and dont get it because its “cool” or because everyone else does peircings should not be considered a fashion stamtent or an accessory if she wants them, get them if its just for other people to look at, tell her to reconsider

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