Can anyone help me through this heartbreak?

Basically I’m hurt, real bad. I might be young but i have a big heart in a lot of pieces. Basically my gf just left me. I can’t do anything having fun,eating, school its just so hard. Without her it’s like a piece of me is missing, i need some mature help and advice. TY if you can help me in my hour of need

Answer #1

Ever heard the lame cliche that “Time heals all wounds”? That mostly applies to heartache over ended love affairs. If you were a girl, I’d say watch a couple of chick flicks, cry your eyes out, then go out and buy a new outfit and lipstick the next day.

But I know, guys don’t operate that way. Dealing with emotions is not so easy for a lot of guys, as you are raised to be tough and strong and not give in to pain.

So the only thing I can tell you is that it hurts. Then it hurts some more. Then more. Then when you think it can’t hurt anymore, one day you wake up and you are used to the hurt so much that you find you’ve learned to live with it. Then each day, you forget a little more. Then, a little more. Then it may hurt again. But then you remember that hey, you were getting over it. You just have to go through the motions and allow yourself to get over it over time. There is no magic thing that you can do that will make you feel better. One day at a time. There is not one person that hasn’t or won’t go through what you’re going through.

Some good “guy” movies that deal with how to get over a girl are High Fidelity and Swingers. Try renting those and see if you can get anything out of them. I recommend Swingers first. Good luck!

Answer #2

well you could be friends with benfits or just plain friends its better thaqn nothing

Answer #3

hi, im so sorry bout ur gf and it reali doesnt matter wat age u r. the first time i had my heart broke i was only 15. thankfully it hasnt happened again. neway i suggest the same as the person ahead of me- get out of your house and do something. exercise releases ‘feel good’ hormones which may help u feel btr quicker and if your angry why not try boxin or something like that. if u need some 1 to talk to let me know cuz u shudnt try an get over it on your own. good luck x

Answer #4

I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just say it - there’s no easy way out of heartache. Sometimes it just takes time. I have been through two major heartbreaks. It can hurt so much it’s like you can’t breath. But you have to be patient with yourself. Give yourself a lot of time to recover, allow yourself to feel bad (instead of feeling bad about feeling bad) and spend a lot of time with people who make you feel good, like your friends.

Oh, and this might sound weird, but moving really helps. If you feel particularly down, go for a run or a swim, or even just a walk. It helps more than you’ll believe.

Good luck and keep strong!

Answer #5

It does’nt matter how old you are I got my heart broken badly just yesterday, and I’m only 13. I ahve to meat him every single day and I’m supposed to befriend his new older girlfriend just because I’m friends with his other exes (yeah like I can help that we go to a tiny school)

Anyway… I dont know if you really loved her but if you did, you will sadly never get over her. You can NEVER stop loving someone, you dont really love her if you do.

what you can do is to focus on the good things in life like your friends. go to parties, have fun and enjoy life. It could be over in a minute, so use your time well and with time you will move on. and even if you’ll always love her you might remember the good things and not the bad in a feew years :)

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