What does sniffing solvents do to you?

ok what exactly can sniffing solvents do to you! I’ve started to do this again as it makes me feel happy for a while and I was wondering what the effects are of doing this , I want to stop and im hoping that if I know the effects I might stop! I dont need people telling me this is stupid and get a life type thing cus I know its stupid I just need to know the efects of it , cus last time I did my chest hurt like mad for a few days after and had a sore throaat , are these some effects? thanks xxXxx

Answer #1

We are obviously going to tell you this is stupid, what else do you expect? We shouldn’t have to tell you the effects to make you stop. Quite irresponsible I must say. Anyways, since you don’t seem to know…here…

Sniffing solvents may cause intoxication similar to the effects of alcohol. So a sniffer may become drowsy, confused, aggressive, may take more risks than they would when sober, and so on. Accidents are, therefore, quite common and sometimes fatal.

Over half of the deaths that have been linked to solvent sniffing, appear to result from the direct toxic effects of the chemicals that were sniffed; but other deaths result from accidents, choking on vomit or suffocation. Deaths are often sudden, and often a mechanism of death involving cardiac arrest appears to be the cause.

Gas fuels continue to be associated with the majority of deaths. In 2001, butane lighter fuel accounted for two-thirds of VSA deaths (42 of the 63 deaths). Sniffing the butane gas in lighters causes the heart to beat irregularly which can induce a heart attack.

Also check out: http://www.hsc.mb.ca/addictions/Media/Harmful%20Effects%20of%20Sniffing%20Solvents.pdf


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