soccer tips ?

I love soccer im good trying to get great
any training tips ?

Answer #1

same position as me. ;) and I play for united youths. :)

just play your heart out, never give up and have confidence. :)

Answer #2

depends on what position casue I am a right/left defender so I kick hard and far and I am good at foot work for a mid just be a able 2 run A LOT without getting pooped and fast have a good kick and have a lot of tricky foot work for a forward tricky footwork I think I don’t play position so I cant really help ya there and for keeper dont be afraid of the ball or a player just always go to the ball

Answer #3

nice to hear you suport mucf my bro played for them :) and just play as much as you can like go out every day and have a kick about

Answer #4

cool whose your bro??

Answer #5

If you’re good you’ll never be great. Maradona was born great. But glad you’re a United fan I am too.

Answer #6

right foward and manchester united is that team yo !

Answer #7

What position?

Answer #8

a few things you can work on are speed and accuracy of shooting this is how go to a wall?bench?or whatever you can find about 3 feet high place 5 targets on it like bottles or cans then go out about 12yardslike taking a pen line up 5 balls then stand about 3 foot from the ball with you back to it , then turn and shoot fast as you can keep doing thisit will greatly improve your accuracy at speed and also your decision making

also you said you are a right forward you should practise crossing this if your on your own can be trained by use of a high wll make a few targets on the wall with paint if you can and the try to hit them with various types of crosses

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