Smokingg :(

My mum has been smoking since she was 14 and shes now 49 :( I really dont want her to die b’because that would make me an orphan :(:(:( It sounds stupid but am scaredd :(:(
can anyone give me advive on how to maybe push her to quit or get help to quit ??? thankss xx

Answer #1

lmao no! that works for some. but some mom’s just get extremely mad if you take their cigs and hide them! just talk to her

Answer #2

My mom is the exact same way. I’ve tried to get her to quit and if she dies I would be an orphan too. I know how you feel. All I can say is to take her ciggs and blend them in a blender and take the lighter fluid and pour it in maybe a nearby river? And if she buys more, keep doing that, until she agrees to stop. Hope I helped :]

Answer #3

All try it and thank youu xx :)

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