What is she doing ?

Im not real sure about all this field, but im not sure if my sister is on somethingg . Lately shes beeen “changing” a lot in the room we share , which is something my mom says when shes smokingg . I dont think she does that bc I wuda smelt it .

But sometimes half her eye is red and when I ask her abbout it she just seems suspicious .

Is there something that explains this ?

Answer #1

it is ether weed or heroin.both are very dangerous heroin is a smell less drug that kills. weed dont kill it easy to cover up so.

Answer #2

Yeah, that sounds like weed.. Though, I doubt she’d be doing it in a room she shared with you.. Especially if she’s the paranoid type. =P

Maybe she’s not even on anything, tho. Gotta consider that. She is your sister, afterall.

Answer #3

um defo yes and that is weed! Get her help now before it leads to other drugs! Snoop around her stuff a bit without her knowing! It may be weed but it could be laced with a lot of other dangerous drugs!!! Myspace.com/Nikki_pooh_4u Twitter.com/Hunniluv

Answer #4

She could be smoking marijuana, which could be the reason for her eyes being red. The smell isn’t too hard to cover up either. As for acting different, weed for the most part relaxes people, but if she’s paranoid, that could be it..

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