Quit smoking before my parents find out?

How can I quit smoking before my parents find out?? It has only made my life worse and I have to stop!!

Answer #1
Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Welcome to Fun Advice!

“How to “quit” smoking?”

You can’t “quit smoking”. You CAN “become a non-smoker”.

There is a big difference in the way your mind and body reacts to the two attempts. In “quitting smoking” your mind and body tell each other that you are trying to deprive it of something it likes and needs, therefore it works hard at preventing you from succeeding.

In “becoming a non-smoker” you successfully attain your goal while not giving your mind and body a chance to perceive that they are being deprived.

Along with the above attitude change, you can help achieve your goal by having on hand some hard candy. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke simply place a piece of candy in your mouth.

Don’t try to refrain from smoking “forever”. Simply refrain for the next couple of hours.

I, personally, know that the above works. I smoked for 30 years and was up to two packs a day. I successfully became a non-smoker 22 years ago. It wasn’t always easy and I still have nightmares that I’ve started smoking again and “blown” my smoke-free record but then I wake up and am thankful it was only a dream.

The candy I used was “Gobstopper” Jaw Breakers. The lasted about 10 minutes each and effectively replaced the craving for a cigarette.

You, too, can become a non-smoker, even if you’re surrounded by people who smoke. It is your choice. When offered a cigarette you don’t say “no thanks, I’m trying to quit” but instead state “no thanks, I don’t smoke”.

Good Luck!

Answer #3

I don’t think it’s cool, I’ve had 6 and I’ve decided I’m not going to go down that path. I was upset and I wanted comfort, they were comforting so I had them again. I told a friend and she’s convinced me to stop before I’m completely hooked. thanx 4 all the advice guys!!!

Answer #4

thanx guys, there are some good suggestion there and I havn’t smoked since monday night!!! woo!! but right now I’m at home by myself and dad has left some smokes by accident!!! this is really hard!!! is it even possible I’m addicted? I’ve only had 3? and I’m oly 14

Answer #5

The longer you wait the harder it will get. The sooner you quit the healthier you will be…MIND POWER girl, you can do it!!!

Answer #6

Obviously you can’t go to them for help, so the only thing I can suggest, is to use some over-the-counter products made for this purpose.

I don’t know how, at the age of 17, you’ve become so addicted that it’s becoming this difficult for you, but you need to use your own willpower and determination

Answer #7

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  You say you’ve only had 3. In your life? If so, then no your are not addicted. What you might be addicted to is the commercialization that has made smoking appear attractive and an “in” thing.

It isn’t. Smoking is a habit that can kill you, but along the way it will make you smell bad, develop yellow stains on your fingers and teeth and cause burn holes in your clothes, rugs and maybe even put burn marks on your furniture. Plus, it will cost you a small fortune.

Answer #8

actually its really hard to quit I am 17 and have been smoking sence I was 12 a lot of people say that ow your to young to be that addicted but there wrong I smoke half a pack a day or more my only sugestion is try cold turkey if you dont smoke to much its easyer I dont have the will power to do it I have tried it takes about 3 days before the niciteen is fully out of your system but you will still want a sigaret after that becosue your so used to the smoke or the feel of the sigarette try lollypops or other hard candy to replace the habit I know its easyer said then done trust me I have tried these things they didnt work for me but they may work for you give it a try I hope this helps

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