Sluttty and tartyy

I have been called slutty and tarty,, and even like a wh*re, prostitute and porn star. I am only 13 and called all these things. I have never slept with anyone and only had 2 boyfriends. Lol. But like I think because it maybe the way I dress. Like skin tight shirts that are really low cut, skimpy shorts, im nearly always in bikinis and I wear a short skirt to school. People say that theres no point me even wearing a skirt and then call me slutty and tarty. I don’t understand why I cant just be me and not be criticised along the way,, sure I might be promiscious and slutty when im older which would be nothing to be proud of, but why now? Lol.

Thanks muchlyy xxx

Answer #1

why do you feel like you have to wear clothes like that? your asking for the wrong attention// yo might not be haven sex right now, but the way you look to people wont help them beleive you.\ and the only people who are going to talk to you is guyz. bc they want what your showwing off.

Answer #2

Listen, I’m sure you’re not a slut. But you may have a case of being an “attention whre” you might feel the need to war these clothes to have not necessarily “sexual favors” from guys, but moreso the attention from themto assure yourself that you are pretty enough. I dont know maybe im wrong but its just a suggestion. You should try and dress more like a 13 year old would. Theres better alternatives. You could wear a nice pair of ripped jeans with a really cute shirt. Its not always about showing your tts that a guy wants. a lot of guys just want a cute girl with eyes he can get lost in. So dont think thats all they want. -Sarah, 17, New Jersey

Answer #3

wht kinda question is this a 13 year old shouldnt b wearin slutty cloths like that damn

Answer #4

I wore just the same as you when I was 13 and was called them names and by the end of the year they had stopped because they realised!!hey!!she dunt care what we call her! I just ignored them and they gave up and they are actually my m8s now!!

Answer #5

Well just ignore them. They are probably just jeolous cause you are probably pretty. Plus who cares how you dress or what you look like they should like you for who you are not dislike you for how you dress. If they are judge you because of the way you dress, they aren’t worth having as friends anyway. It is there loss and your gain as I always say!

Answer #6

wear less reviling clothes.

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