What do guys look for in girls?

What do guys look for in girls? I am a 16 year old girl and I want to know. :p

Answer #1

misslost123 has given you advice on what to do if you want to attract one certain type of guy, but a set of rules and guidelines like this is pretty much useless if that’s not who you are comfortable being. Trying to shoehorn yourself into a stereotype of what a ‘’good girl’’ is supposed to be is silly if that’s not who you feel you are. Then the result will be you being awkward and nervous, trying to be someone you aren’t, everyone will see right through the facade, and the result will be the exact opposite of what you intended.

The reality is that all guys look for different things, just as all girls look for different things. Just as no group of people will ever agree on pizza toppings, so too will no group agree on what’s most attractive in another person. misslost123 has given you the criteria for attracting the man that SHE most desires, and no one else. Which is well and good for her, but maybe not for you. Personally, I don’t think I would be attracted to the girl that she has described, because I am drawn more to girls with a bit of an edge, a little dirty, brash and sarcastic, tomboyish with a strong sexuality, not the clean professional in her description.

And please dispose of the fiction that a man has to be a bookkeeper or accountant or Young Republican in order to be a good boyfriend. I’ve known dozens of tattooed garage band rockers (I lived in Portland. They’re like weeds out there) who made wonderful husbands and fathers.

If you’re asking ‘’How should I behave to attract someone nice?’’ then the only answer that will make any sense for you will be ‘’Be comfortable with yourself.’’ When you’re relaxed, confident, and sure of yourself, attraction happens pretty much without you having to worry about it. If you’re thinking ‘’Am I doing this right?’’ all the time, you’re going to make it harder on yourself.

Answer #2

lol.. depends on the guy… are you looking for a nice guyyy to like spend life with… ? orrr like.. one of those sexy typess who don giv 2 shits abt yuu and are juss protetiv for no reason…?

Answer #3

I, as a boy, can tell you that I chose my girlfriend to be pretty good looking, but I like more to have someone to talk with, someone that can also share her experiece with me and all in all, have a great time together. I enjoy a lot spending time with her, going in the park etc..

What I want to say is that you musn’t be afraid of starting a relationship with a guy, only because somebody told you that guys only want sex…which for me is totally wrong. I still didn’t reach that step, of having sex, in my relationship, but I love her very much even without that (and saying that you love someone is not an insignificant thing at all, it really shows that you truely care about that person). Hope this clears the blur a lil’ bit.

Answer #4

hmm.. welll.. I guess yu should look nice.. a bit professional.. likee… faaarr away ffrom sluttty.. be CLEAN! clear up yur face, use foundation if yu want.. even out your skin.. be NICE! and have confidence in wht yu say.. be clear.. and simple…

ii uno.. well.. yu cant relli fiindd a guy like that on the streets.. yu can.. buh yu gotta get to know abt him firstt… nn tell him abt yurself.. nn please don try to act like those idiot girls who try so hard fr attention that its a fail.. just b yourself.. the way your rents have raised you.. the way yur arnd yur grilss..

Answer #5

umm the first one…well someone that cares :p

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