
how do I get my husband to go to sleep and quit pulling all-nighters on the computer ? please keep it clean. He’s got health problems and is having difficulty getting medications down. We’ll know more on the 6th. until then, he needs to get more sleep. what suggestions are out there for making him go lay down and close his eyes?

Answer #1

you should get him some manitoba. It will help him sleep it’s sold at walmart and stuff like that but It helps me and my boyfriend sleep

Answer #2

Hi there my friend. No quick and easy answers, sounds like lifestyle change is what he needs. I have had the same issue. We can’t change lifestyle overnight, it must be gradual, we must want to do it, and take disciplined (not necessarily unpleasant) steps towards reaching our goals. The following have helped me:

  1. Regular exercise - start slowly and work up;
  2. Healthier diet. Less meat, eggs, (etc) and more vegetables;
  3. A moderate amount of fresh air and sunshine.
  4. A glass of red wine before bedtime can help.
  5. You are obviously still in love, and there’s nothing that quite puts a man to sleep like making love… If you can get all the above done, I reckon he’ll be sleeping like a baby in a few months! Take it from a previously fellow male insomniac!
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