Skinny Enough?

I am 14 Years old, almost 5’5 and I weigh 115. Am I fat? or Under weight?

Answer #1

id say your a really good weight! a girl I know is the same hieght as you, and during sports seasons, she nearly stops eating, and does nothing but workout! she reaches about 97 pounds. it looks horrible! your a wonderful height and weight! im 5’9’’ and 135 pounds, and I still look healthy! no worries, your good to go!

Answer #2

no, you’re not fat by any means. the average weight for a fourteen year old at 5’5” is actually 126.

but you’re still at a healthy weight.

Answer #3

I just caculated your BMI so decide for yourself(but I dont think you are even close to fat):

your BMI:19.1

And here is the chart: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Answer #4

Haha you are definitely under weight.

Answer #5

I just calulated your BMI… You’re at about 19 (which is average). So don’t worry about it. A BMI of 22 is the best BMI according to studies, you fight off sickness best there. It’s also on average the most attractive weight…

Don’t worry about it! You can sure gain if you want… Or you could lose a little if you want (I don’t think you need to..) just don’t go overboard!!

Answer #6

sweetie I’m 19, 5’8’’ and 155 and I’m thin… you’re SOOO not fat

Answer #7

I am 5’0’’ and 120, and I don’t think I am fat, so you don’t have anything to worry about

Answer #8

no way I think that is perfect

Answer #9

You are definitely underweight.

Answer #10

you are sooo not fat.

Answer #11

no your perfect

Answer #12

For sure not fat!

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