skateboarding for 1 year

im almost 14 and I’ve been skating for about a year now. I want to know if im learning fast or behind people who have been skating as long as me. can you help me out and like tell me what tricks I should be able to do and stuff. thanks

Answer #1

your welcome! :]

Answer #2

only if youve parcticed it for quite a while but there isnt a time limit or age limit of when you should be able to do tricks I’ve been skating for over 5 years, I cant treflip, I used to be able to kickplip and I tore both my ankles skateboarding 2 years ago now all I really do is olle 5 staris and large gaps and do 1980s and 1970’s style tricks so it doesnt matter how old its what tricks you practice, if you get any injuries, how long you practice for, ect that affect it all

Answer #3

there isnt an answer to this skateboarding si something that everyone does at there own pace it usually takes a week to a month to learn to ollie and more than that to get used to rolling around and tic-tacing on the board other tricks like ollie 180s,kickflips and manuals take months to learn as well and many more months of practice to get them down around 8 out of 10 times it also comes down to howoften you practice though if you dont spend much time skating you wont get anywere anytime fast but the more practice you have the better youll get

Answer #4

thanks dude. I can almost tre and I can kickflip and heelflip and stuff like that

Answer #5

thanks but should I be able to tre?

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