why is my sister saying this shit?

Ok this is gonna be very difficult to describe and ask but il try my best. my sister has always been an attention seeker and is often exagerating situations, she tried to over dose on pills in septembe, She failed and was taken to a home where there were ither disturbed children, kuds who ‘could see dead ppl’, kids who killed, kids who have been raped and kids who are just plain psyco’s. She was in this home for a month, me and my mum traveld an hour every day to see her. She hated it there. The reason for her attempted suicide was extreme bullying. Another key part of this is that my dad abused me and my sister as children before he ran away and attempted suicide 2years ago, anyeaus my sister mum dad and me can all admit my dad favoured my sister so when he left my sister realised that she was no longer going to be favoured (my dad abused her too but not as bad as me). Aswell as this she also suffers depression (she is 14 now but was 13 when she attempted suicide) Yeah, so anyways the other day she started saying, she could see things (non existant things ppl who arent acc there) She has done thus before for like a week anyways she is doimg it again and my mum belives her but im not sure if she is attention seeking or being serious. she is really fucking me off (as selfish as i sound right now and my sister sounds like a saint who is suffering when trust me this isnt the case.she steals from mt mum often physicaly beats me, has been smoking drugs (not because she likes them, because she wants to look cool ) and she does no housework and causes us all alot if stress. can anyone offer an opinion?

Answer #1

Obviously your sister has problems and if she is attention seeking its because of her depression and the abuse and everything. There is a possibility that she may actually be seeing things. You said she has been doing drugs, depending on the drug she may be experiencing hallucination, also her depression could have turned into schizophrenia which will cause her to see things. I think the best thing she needs is to see a therapist or shrink on a weekly basis or she is going to end up killing herself from her attention seeking behavior. The bad thing is though when people think someone is attention seeking they dont realize that is as bad as the person who sits by themselves and crys, self harm ect. She has alot of emotions going on your dad leaving the abuse and she may feel like there is nothing good in her life so she is trying to fill a void. I hope this helps. Maybe you can sit her down and talk to her and try to figure out why she has been doing destructive things and if the things she sees is real. When you talk to her dont sound accusing but compassionate if you can. I hope things work out with you Stefie

Answer #2

Thank you for you’r insightful Rose, it was very helpful and yeah, she is very stubborn and already has a counciler aswell so im not really sure :/ the drug is marijuana and yeah she has a bf who she spend’s alot of time wth which help’s alot, she’s been saying she is seeing a black rotwiler dog? beat’s me but it’s still bad :/. thank you again Rose this was very helpful.

Answer #3

Does she have a fear of rotwilers? If she does her fear may have turned into a paranoia and she is seeing it everywhere because she is so afraid of them. That is a strange thing to be seeing in my opinion. Ive known schizophrenics see people who are trying to kill them and such but never an animal. I wish i could offer more help

Answer #4

this is a very awkward but depressing story. i know your sister and you have been through some tough times as the above recalls but bearing in mind youve both been through the same sort of thing. i have and am being bullied, been depressed and thought of committing suicide several times and id hate people to think i was attention seeking. if i was you personally, i would sit my sister down and talk to her every now and again about her problems and she may feel she is getting all of her issues off her chest and the pressure has been lifted; i certainly felt better after i spoke to family and friends. just whatever you do always remember to be there for each other. good luck!

Answer #5

Your sister was favored because she was beaten less than you and she tried to kill herself because she was no longer going to be favored? Seriously? This actually makes sense to you? Let me put it this way, it doesnt make any sense. Your sister obviously has mental health issues. Who cares whether or not she is seeing things? She is desperate for help and she is basically screaming for it by all her behaviors. She is in a lot of pain. She needs to get professional help. Oh and I’m not saying that it excuses her behavior. She is not allowed to steal or hit you. But my guess is, if you tried to be a little bit more understanding it would only help the situation. Also, lets not forget, your mother played her part in it. She allowed someone to abuse her children.

Answer #6

I think you should just talk to her and I think there is something wrong with her because she sounds horrible. Try to speak to her and show that you are serious and try to be there for her.

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