sister moved (birthday/song ideas?)

kay, so my sister moved away a few months ago… shes 13 and im 15. her birthday is coming up, and I want to get her some thing really special. I have tons of pictures with her, and im just looking at them now. I miss her SOOO SOOO SOO much!

we were so happy together, I know that shes happy living where she is, I dont know if she even misses me at alll… tell it to her all the time that I miss her, and cant wait to see her (christmas)but she doesnt seem to give a crap. anyways… I want to make her miss me (sorry if I sound selfish… im not meaning to sound ruuude :S) but I dont want to make just a regular old scrap book. any ideas?

ps can you think of a song to describe what im feeling, if you understand it at all lol (basically just missing some one that I was once really close to/watch them make a huge mistake!)

Answer #1

She probley does miss you and just doesn’t show it - I miss my sister sometimes but she thinks I don’t like her, at all because we are so different. I think you should make her a scrap book of your pictures together with poems and stuff to show how you feel.

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