Should the music you listen to define who you are?

Excuse me for this, I guess this is more like a venting thing than a question. You can add your feelings on it if you wish.

So lets start from the beginning. on myspace profile my song it is INDEED a “RAP” song. According to a single mind framed, ignorant, CHILD, listening to “rap”, considering I listen to rock, and am in a band and didn’t listen to it before makes me fall into the category of being a “poser” or in her terms “Brand new”. Music is my LOVE, and I listen to what I get inspired by be it Floetry, cunning lynguist, or slipknot. I had no idea that the GENRE of music I listened to defined or confined me into a certain series of people. What ever happened to “free art”?

So I was told that I was confused, with my sexuality and would do ANYTHING to fit in. Keep in mind I don’t talk to many people, but even then I try to surround myself with all different kinds of people, because I believe you learn and get much more out of life with as much diversity as possible. If you stay in typical boundaries than your forming the same rules and boundaries that you b**ch and moan about when you feel SOCIETY labels you, or doesn’t “accept” you for your life style. In other words your a walking contradiction and just as big a “hypocrite” as the president you say you hate.

This person said they didn’t give a sht about me or what I did and wasn’t being “nosy” but still took the time to try to judge and put me in a “box”..or a “closet”, the IRONY in that is rather amusing, considering she proclaims herself “a lesbian”. But I’m sure would get defensive if a homophob called her a “f*ckn dyke” in the street. In the end isn’t it still the same label you put on yourself in the first place?..

Hm, all that led to telling me that I was going to become nothing in my life and that I would be completely “worthless”..

But let me just say that while I bask in the joy of all the different places and all the different people and MUSIC and cultures I will come to learn, love and appreciate, I will never lose myself to the madness of becoming a SLAVE to the effort of living my life to fit a certain scene or style of life. My soul is rich, because I can love freely, who ever I want, woman or man,because I’ve allowed myself to search and find beauty in everything rejected. I feel bad for the people who have built a cage around themselves to protect themselves from everything that isn’t like them, what’s there to be scared of? That something new might change your out look on things you didn’t dare defy or question?Your soul dies when you dont feed it.

So I can guarantee while your withering away, becoming a “lost cause” because you’ve worked so hard to “stay who you think you are”. I’ll be consumed by the high bliss of leaving my imprint on this life. And I give you.. the privilege to witness.

Answer #1

I dont think it should, although thats how we separate ourselves from everyone else and how everyone else judges us, because mostly we take on that “image” that the music portrays

Answer #2

I just want you to know that you are awesome. If there were more people who didn’t believe in slapping a label on everything, then the world would be a much better place.

Answer #3

you shouldnt worry about what people say only you can define what you are no one else so dont sweat it cause its people like that, that are really ignorant and peobably want what you have. hoped I helped!!!

Answer #4

I guess so, but thats something I dont understand anymore. I swore music was supposed to be about the feeling, not about the image. Hey, whatever sells it I guess.

Answer #5

hey, sorry my comment was so short..I have always been judged by the music I’ve listened to and believe me it’s a wide range. I’m 32 and have gone through the majority of my life trying to make everyone comfortable and happy around me. I am gay and have been with my girlfriend for almost 9 years. The funny thing she is tottaly opposite of me. Your post really struck something in me. Your very young and have a wise instinct on this thing we call life. I must say I used to try to think like that. It’s hard when you live in a small country town…lol..Keep your soul open to whatever it needs to let you grow and in the end it will be you and them not them and you.

Answer #6

I know what you mean. It’s really annoying.

Answer #7

you hit right on…I just never knew how to explain it.

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