What does it mean when a shy girl gives a tight, long hug for the first time to a guy?

I mean like both arms on top of his shoulders and his arm clunching her shoulder.

Answer #1

I think she likes him :-)

Answer #2

Well I think it means she likes him!!

Answer #3

Depends on the girl.. but, like imlonley & Sarah said, she probably does like the guy if she wants to hug him so tight & long. I only hug guys that I like “tight long hugs”. If I don’t really like the guy in that way, then I’d just give him a normal hug (unless we’re really good friends & I’m really upset). So yeah, it depends. I can’t speak on behalf of all girls, but if I were doing that to a guy, I’d probably have a crush on him. (:

Answer #4

well if she shy that is very out going if there not dating so it probly means she likes him

Answer #5

It means she like him obviously.No person will intentionally give strangle like tight hugs just in normal,they want to get the most out of the moment so when the shy girl does that she comes out of her social bubble which is the reason why she is shy and steps out of it to turn off her shyness.Shy people don’t easily come out of their bubbles so if she hugged her tight for a long time it no doubt means she likes him.

Answer #6

I would think she likes you, maybe shes shy so she can’t say it, but shows it with her actions. Cause if I can speak for a lot of girls here, I be in and out for a hug then staying any longer then I have to, if I didn’t like you

Answer #7

lol she likes him

Answer #8

it most likley means she likes him but i dont really know cuz i will hug guys i dont like for a long time….but only cuz i dont know when they wanna let go ,cuz sometimes when i try to seperate there still holding on and i dont want to b rude if there not finished lol… so mabey thats why she did it

Answer #9

She’s pressing her boobs against the guy so he can feel them

Answer #10

Like or missed him

Answer #11

I think it either means she miss you or she likes you. Or both ;)

Answer #12

shees feelin the loove (:

Answer #13

She either likes you or consideres you to be a really good friend!

Answer #14

she might be just a lil to giddy or perhaps she feels like she van build a relationship with him, however, she needs to take it slow. He may misinterpret that she’s desperate or the type to be very needy & clingy.

Answer #15

well well well it can have one meaning when a girl wants to build a relation with a boy this happens it can be husband/ wife relation boy/ girl relation any thing when she wants to express her feelings this is one of the best way to express

regards: http://funadvice.com/r/156684f1aui

Answer #16

It most likely means she likes him, enjoys the hug and wants it to last longer.

Answer #17

time for her to destroy all the boundaries of shyness.

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