How can I be less shy?

ok im a very shy girl but I still talk to people but like when someone puts me on the spot light I turn red and get emberessed please help me what should I do not to be shy in front of any one buy still pretty?

Answer #1

Volunteer to work w/younger chillens. It forces you to take the lead, but you won’t feel shy because you’ll be in charge. Taking dance lessons or karate helps too. Get the body moving & expressing yourself & the voice will follow.

Answer #2

I think you should just keep your head high. Think your better than everyone but not in the way where you look down upon people or hurt peoples feelings. I do it all the time, makes me feel really strong because I make myself confident. it’s all in the mind, if you really want it, you can give yourself your own new attitude within a day.

Answer #3

Stay confident by reminding yourself that you’re beautiful & that it’s more than enough to just be yourself! You don’t have to impress anyone. Don’t worry about saying something silly!

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