Should weed be legalized?

Do you think weed should be legalized? If yes,why and if No , why? Curious.

Answer #1

No, it definitely shouldn’t be legalized. Like teresa said, it can help people deal with stress or whatever, but there are other equally effective ways to deal with stress that are way better than pot. Pot helps people deal with problems, but that doesn’t change the FACT that pot temporarily alters peoples’ judgment, thus causing them to do some stupid things that they might deeply regret after the pot wears off. Pot should only be used to help people who have a sickness that causes them to lose their appetite.

And people are saying that pot isn’t as bad as alcohol, that if alcohol is legal, then pot should be too, and that pot doesn’t cause people to get in crashes when driving. Well, I agree, alcohol is just as bad as pot. But that doesn’t mean pot should be legalized. If anything, it means alcohol should be ILLEGALIZED. Both substances make people do dumb and dangerous things, so both should be illegal. And to whoever said pot doesn’t cause car crashes: If the pot is strong enough or if the person is high enough, hallucinations and altered vision CAN occur, and any hallucination or altered vision while driving is VERY likely to cause an accident.

Answer #2

Wait Had to change my answer after actually reading the other answers.

Like teresa said, it can help people deal with stress or whatever, but there are other equally effective ways to deal with stress that are way better than pot. Name some I bet the dont work like my weed do…

And to whoever said pot doesn’t cause car crashes: If the pot is strong enough or if the person is high enough, hallucinations and altered vision CAN occur, and any hallucination or altered vision while driving is VERY likely to cause an accident.

You can tell you dont know anything about weed…what the f*ck are U TALKIN BOUT??? I smoke 1 to 6 or 7 blunts a day. No not joints, not hitting a bong, but big fat weed filled stoagies…and not once have I ever had a hallucination off of weed. The only time I ever had halucinations was when I smoked a laced blunt on accident. I was tricked and told that the blunt was str8 weed and it was actually laced with Angel Dust so I was halucinating out my mind…but I have never had impaired judgement and I dont smoke any b/s either. I have smoke some of the strongest types of weed…cali weed, miami weed, purp, kush,dro, colombian, home grown, and the best weed in the world straight from jamacia and I have always been in my right mind Im just super laid back or sometimes super crunk but never like how I get if I get drunk. Which Im still usually in my right mind but at least when Im high off weed I can drive but it brings my high down ironically. And I dont regret none of the stuff I’ve done while I was high off weed. I regret more stuff from when I was drunk… Alcohol is waaay worse than weed and YES if weed is illegal than so should alcohol.

Answer #3

If anything, it means alcohol should be ILLEGALIZED. Both substances make people do dumb and dangerous things, so both should be illegal.

You’re talking about taking away a simple freedom: People have a right to act like complete idiots, but they need to be held accountable for their actions. I idea behind legalizing, regulating, and taxing the production and/or importation of cannabis into this country would be an economic boost. Not to mention it would force drug dealers to get real jobs. It would also free up the judicial and prison systems of all those people serving time for ‘drug possession’ …thereby making more room for REAL criminals.

If the pot is strong enough or if the person is high enough, hallucinations and altered vision CAN occur, and any hallucination or altered vision while driving is VERY likely to cause an accident.

Cannabis doesn’t cause hallucinations, unless its mixed with other drugs. And there are plenty of people who are smart enough and responsible enough to NOT drive under the influence: be it cannabis or alcohol.

Answer #4


Answer #5

The amount of money that they would make would be rediculous and what they could spend that money on?

It would be just another national revenue… are you implying it would be used for something else?

Answer #6

Just throwing this out there, Im reading everyones comments and I agree but what about IF the governemt legalized weed THEN decided to sell it? The amount of money that they would make would be rediculous and what they could spend that money on? Of course there are pro’s and there are con’s to that, but its just a thought, what do you think?

Answer #7

it would increase everything from rape, crime, to car crashes

Why the hell do you think rape and crime would go up?

Answer #8

no it would increase everything from rape, crime, to car crashes peoples health would be affected, so would peoples health who wouldnt be smoking it it would cause a lot more problems that the world doesnt need for medical purposes only yes but just for general use, hell no

Answer #9

If alcohol is legal, well then why not legalize weed? Although the alchol industry has probably been against it which is why it hasnt happened. All this time, money and energy spent on catching people who buy/sell weed could be spent on other things, like schools…

Answer #10

Its legal here in just have to be 21…but I think it should be legalizied because what does it really do? I mean it just makes people chilled out I mean alcohol kills more people than weed would.

Answer #11

I mean, if it is legalized, do you know how many people will accidantly kill themselves???

No more than those who kill themselves with alcohol. Do you seriously have a problem with our ‘global idiot population’ dying off?

A family member of mine has experemented with drugs and alcohal, and now, he lives with his mother, and he’s 50!!!

And… you blame the drugs… not his pisspoor judgement and/or lack of motivation?

Answer #12

Prohibition for all drugs should be removed. We could take all the money being spent incarcerating non-violent drug criminals and put it into rehab services. In the end it would reduce drug abuse, ease overcrowding of prisons, and probably save us money in the long run. Rehab is much more cost effective than prison.

The war on drugs should be lead by the surgeon general, not the attorney general…

Answer #13


Answer #14

It is legal in pill form for medicinal use. It’s for people who can’t eat (gives them an appetite) and for Cancer & AIDS patients, for the same reason, I think.

I think it should be legal and that we should ban alcohol. After all, when have you heard of someone killing a family on the highway because they were driving stoned? But it’s not going to happen.

I never really cared for it, myself. It always killed my Opiate high.

Answer #15

yeahh ii think weed should be legalized!

Answer #16

User ‘captainassassin’ is so right, thats why hes my hero.

I personally think it should be legalized, for obvious reasons.

Answer #17

It’s whatever society wants. This world sucks, I’m moving to the sun. XD

Answer #18


Answer #19

Yes, we can save billions in tax money and help lessen the overcrowded prisons. Adults should have the choice to smoke without moral or ethical fear.

Answer #20

Lots more answers from this site here:

Answer #21

Legalize it, tax it, and you have to be 21 to buy it.

Answer #22

I think it should it helps a lot of my friends and not me though wink wink lol but yea my bro does it

Answer #23

lol dont listen to what people tell u, its all misleading information you need to do your own research and see for urself

These are some of the comments I have copied from a forum

-pharmaceuticals are known to kill more people than illegal drugs

-marijuana is the number 1 cash crop in the world it serves as a natural medicine and has many other uses thats why they prohibited it so big companies can make more profit thanks to “bad journalism”

-can also help aids patients, aids diminishes appetite have them smoke a joint and they regain their appetite counteracting the illness

-no one can die from smoking cannabis and has been no known deaths compared to everything else including alcohol, tobacco, etc..

I myself have asthma and smoking opens up my airways making it easier to breathe with no side effects when medically legalized in my state I look foward to becoming a patient for prescription marijuana. 12 states have already legalized it along with other countries in the world and more following my job is to educate people that are not aware of the plants uses


-I did most of my research through websites, books, magazines, and the news high times magazine etc..

  • theres more to it than just getting high and I believe legalizing it would make this a better world to live in

-God bless the whole crop!

  • and for people that dont smoke, you dont need to smoke it to support it

-all the better reason for the government to legalize.. couple reasons why it should be legalized: -will be removed from black market and stop empowering gang members -medical reasons -would be sold like alcohol, remember alcohol was once prohibited too (in stores away from children, have to be 21+) -would be a law that you cant drive while intoxicated on weed -prison population would lower (prisons are overcrowding with nonviolent offenders) -keep patients from being convicted -would provide millions of jobs for people -would make us an independent country (fuel, etc.., debt free america)

people with an addiction (including hard drugs) shouldnt be thrown in jail, they need help theres more people in jail with mental illnesses than there are in mental institutions

the list goes on

  • the War on Drugs is a failure, its a war on its own people. policies need to be changed we pay billions in taxpayers money to keep the war going and neither side is winning thats just a waste of our tax money I wonder what they do with all that money.. those greedy bastards just sell drugs back onto the street, you can even check urself on that there was a time when there was a cia operation transporting drugs overseas into america the government also provided Rick Ross with plenty of heroin to go around, course making money from it

the truth must be exposed, theyre dirty work must stop!

-Of course we can do something about it, we all just need to unite screw the federal government remember slavery? if no one stood up im pretty sure it would still be going on people were tortured, beaten, killed and thrown in jail but that didnt stop them standing up for their rights eventually slavery was abolished same with alcohol prohibition eventually became re-legalized

  • its like theres some kind of conspiracy going on I sense the government is up to no good and trying to control us. credit cards, money, and now they have chips that can be implanted in skin for uselful reasons but if in the wrong hands well were pretty much fuct they hiding the truth from us its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they got theyre privacy but we dont. they want to know everything were doing on our leisure time

get up stand up!

  • marijuanas not anti-establishment because its illegal, its illegal because its anti-establishment

all facts stated have been double-checked and confirmed want to learn more? lets all make this a better place to live in!

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