Should we hook up?

I am 18 and talking to a guy that is 23 we are not dating we just are talking for now which has been about a year now. I love him and he says he loves me. I dont think he ever has any time for me anymore. He has lied and lies to me and he says he is about to move back home which is in Texas and I am in Misoouri, but I still do not want him to leave so what should I do or help me out with waht is really going on between us I also think that if we ever got together I could never trust him.

Answer #1

Another example – and I do not say this to be trite – of someone in love with the idea of being in love. YOu are a wonderful and caring person to be so concerned about the welfare of yours and his relationship. He, however, to paraphrase you, doesn’t give a rat’s ass. He may not be a monster, but he is quite apparently neither ready nor willing to commit himself to anyone other than himslef. If you wait for him to change, which he may EVENTUALLY do, you are going to suffer through a great deal of heartache. Speaking from experience, cutting yourself with a dull knife a thousand times over is far less painfull. Realize that you are ready to find love and he is not. Make a clean, peacefull break, and continue seeking the right person for you.

Answer #2

i believe you know that he is not in love with you in your heart,he may care about you but not enough to give you what you want and need,you are young and full of life dont waste anyother day worring about him,its time for you to start fresh with the new years i know it easier said than done but please move on.i have been in your shoes many times.make a peacefull exit from his life good luck

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