should we break up?

I have a really great relationship with a really great guy, and I really care about him. But lately I’ve been finding myself thinking about other guys a LOT. I know its normal to fantasize about other guys, but I’ve been doing it a lot more than usual. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years, and I just finished my junior year in high school. I feel like I shouldn’t settle down with one guy and I feel like I should try being with other guys, but at the same time, I don’t want to give up this great relationship I have going. Basically, I’m really lost and confused and I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

Answer #1

Ok well I did the same thing I was with someone for 6 years and I just wanted someone else I wanted a difrent relationship and we were engaged but I broke it off even know he treated me right I just wanted something different and so I broke it off the first three months I was happy but now I hate life and sometimes dont want to move on because I reilized I love him with all my heart and I am lost without him but he does not want me back and that makes my life hell because I love im so much I have made myself sick over him because I miss him so much so if you go looking for somone else just remember who loves you and how much he loves you because if you break it off you could be just hurting yourself in the long run now that I look back on it I feel dumb and hate life because I miss him so much so good luck from me just fallow your heart

Answer #2

this sounds dumb. but all you can really do it follow your heart. do what ever you think makes you happy. by the sounds of are happy with what you have. and I don’t understand why you’d want to give up after such a long time, as long as your boyfriend treats you right and is good to you and everything. like you may think the single life is great. but once you experience it after being with your current boyfriend for so long you might just realize that what you had before was so much better. (that happened with me) maybe if you take a break that could solve things?? you have to realize that a lot of the time a break can lead to a break up. but if your really meant to be. then love will bring you back. and even closer in the end. some times you have you have to loose something before you realize how much it really meant to you…you have to be carefull though. like maybe your boyfriend will realize that he has feelings for a new girl. or the ones for you have kinda faded abit since the break. so yeah be carefull cause you have to remeber that by taking a break he has the chance to break youuur heart too. and you can’t expect that hell wait around forever. but at the same time maybe you’ll both realize how much you really love eachother in the end

I hope this wasn’t confusing. and that I helped some what…hopefully at least gave you something to think about…good luck with what ever you choose =)

Answer #3

ok well 3 years is a long time but do you still love him as you did , and what does your heart say if your hearts feels love for him still stay but if not you break up , well 2 say it easyer just followur heart listin 2 your heart not your heard your HEART

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