Should the media do a better job ?

The media has had a devastating lack of curiosity about not only Barack Obama’s associates, but also about Barack Obama’s views. The media has failed to take a look at the punishing tax increases, about his desire to take away the right of a secret ballot to the worker, about his desire to have $8 trillion in new tax increases for a carbon tax by the year 2040 - Should the media do a better job for the American people and inform them with no background/biased agenda ?

Answer #1

MSNBC does seem to be leaning left

Now THAT is an understatment beyond understatments. “

There is still plenty of conservatives on MSNBC. Ever watch Morning Joe? The only liberal on FOX Noise is the soft spoken, pale looking, Alan Colmes, who they put next to Insannity, and can’t get a word in edgewise. And CNN is only a a tiny step to the left of FOX.

The fairness doctrine did not prevent opinions from being expressed, it just required that opposing views were heard also. It’s demise was what lead to the rise of truly biased media. It has lead to a new corporate controlled media that actually dictates content, that is not necessarily in the peoples interest. We are not getting a truer picture of the world through the modern media. We are getting it filtered through corporate interests and corporate censorship.

The only place you can get a true picture is on the interent. And that is only after much parsing.

Answer #2

Amblessed was just owned by Utopia.


Answer #3

They did during Obama’s primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Do some research on the left before saying these stuff, please

Answer #4

u actually believe the media? dont be fooled

Answer #5

it used to be that journalism reported on the result of something,, the facts, now they try to shape the result. and the facts, yes they SHOULD do a better job, but will they? nope not for another 13 days anyway…

Answer #6

“Journalism has died! “

It certainly has. It died in the eighties when the fairness doctrine was struck down, which led the the rise of truly biased media like FIXED News and Blimpaugh.

“Since the media won’t do their job, it’s up to fox and others to do it. “

I am glad you agree that FOX Noise is not part of the media.

Answer #7

So many conservatives whine and complain about the “liberal media”. Here’s a news flash…you are free to start up your newspapers, radio and TV broadcasts, or take advantage of the new media; blogs.

Every other channel on broadcast TV is some evangelical religious nutjob blathering about end times. Why not turn one of those into a “conservative” media station?

Answer #8

There is still plenty of conservatives on MSNBC

I watch the nightly stuff…I must be still working during “Morning Joe”…BTW…that’s only one.

The fairness doctrine did not prevent opinions from being expressed, it just required that opposing views were heard also

I’m all for everyone being heard…like who’s stopping them from getting their own shows? Lack of sponsers? Lack of audience?

Answer #9

Accusation of liberal bias in the media is a classic tactic used by conservatives. Because then when they make the baseless lies and accusations, like amblessed just has, they can claim truth simply because the media can’t be trusted to be objective. As if “the media” was some homogenous entity.

There are biased media outlets for sure. FOX Noise being the biggest. And I would say MSNBC does seem to be leaning left, but nothing as far as FAUX News goes.

Answer #10

I think the media can be careless at times no doubt. Each network takes its own spin whether is for the Dems or Reps. If you really want to get to the the bottom of the issues go to fact check. com. Perhaps it will help you get your answers without all the political spin thats going on. Both parties are doing it, however in my opinion McCain is being extremely dirty with his and trying to pretend his Mr. Sunshine.

His pick for VP I don’t think was wise. There are no two America plain and smiple. She doesn’t even know what the VP’s job requires and wants more power in the the Senate. To be honest its scary, but people have to make up their own mind who they feel is right for the job. Happy voting in 2008. Like I suggested do your own research it’s cruch time 2 weeks and ticking.

Either way the nexy President of the United State of America will have a lot to deal with in addition to cleaning up the mess left behind.

Answer #11

No. Next.

Answer #12

* It died in the eighties when the fairness doctrine was struck down

The fairness doctrine never was Constitutional. All it ever accomplished was to prevent media from discussing important issues at all, out of fear of being prosecuted as biased.

It’s bad enough the wardrobe malfunction cops have the power they do, we certainly don’t need any thought police. Thank god they haven’t figured out how to censor the internet yet.

Answer #13

Perhaps if you did a little research of your own, amblessed, you would see that many media outlets discuss BOTH McCain’s and Obama’s opinions and ideas on taxes, education, healthcare, etc. I think given the obvious fact that you don’t research anything that veers from your tiny, conservative, fundamental little world, it just seems that way to you. The majority of us seem to have no problem finding information on both candidates and their plans and ideas. Perhaps taking your head out of your bible and turning the tv to something besides FOX would help.

Answer #14

MSNBC does seem to be leaning left

Now THAT is an understatment beyond understatments.

The easiest way I found to see how bias’d they are, was switching between CNN, FOX, and MSNBC after the debates…it was laughable…I got dizzy swinging left to right!

Yeah, they ALL should do a better job…”just the facts maam”…and let us see what we see, instead of trying to direct our thinking…

The fairness doctrine…is it even necessary…as long as there are as many liberal news shows as conservative…(course that might not work so well for talk radio, since most of them are conservative…but that doesn’t mean the liberals don’t have opportunity to have their own) People will watch and listen to what they want.


Answer #15

The media is corporate. The goal of these networks is to make money. Sure, on days when there are major events going on, their coverage is usually pretty damn good. But the rest of the time, they pretty much run programs and cover stories they think will attract viewers and make money.

Answer #16

Certainly the liberal media needs to do a better job on digging deep into Obamas plans and proposals. Journalism has died! The only media that seems to be doing a better job on revealing Obama would be the bloggers, fox, and other networks. Including Drudge. I stay away from the liberal media bias that’s out there since they don’t tell the truth about Obama. So, yes, the media should do a better job. It’ll be difficult for them to do that since they are for Obama and want him elected. Since the media won’t do their job, it’s up to fox and others to do it. It also seems like allot of people who are voting for Obama are blinded by his false hopes and proposals. Maybe if he wins, people will regret him being in office. As Jobe Biden quotes, if we win, we’ll be in a crisis and he also said something about Obama being tested. Obama will definitely be tested once he’s in office. I just don’t know what to think if he gets in. Maybe I should just give up.

Answer #17

“I watch the nightly stuff…I must be still working during “Morning Joe”…BTW…that’s only one.”

Tucker Calson is still on there a lot, but he lost his show to david gregory’s Race for the White house. Obviously that show will be over in 2 weeks. And Gregory is no partisan. I guess Chris Matthews is a liberal, but really he is just an idiot. I like Olberman & Rachel Maddow, and they are un-appolgetic liberals. They don’t pretend to be fair and balanced like O’Really and Insannity.

“I’m all for everyone being heard…like who’s stopping them from getting their own shows? Lack of sponsers? Lack of audience?”

Corporate interests. If there are only a few corporations owning most of the media outlets and there are no guidelines for content, opposing views can easily be suppressed.

Ever here of the press being the forth estate? They are supposed to be concience of society. Now they are the mouthpiece of the corporate and political elite.

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