Should my family move on and get another dog?

This is very hard…We had to put our black lab to sleep 4 days ago because she bit someone on the face the weekend before did real damage. Now I haven’t been able to stop crying eat or return to work, my husband has extreme guilt and my kids are really upset but they seem to be springing back to normal a lot faster than us. My husband mentioned adopting a new dog to give them a second chance. I need some advice any input would be great! Thanks

Answer #1

I’m sorry for your loss - I think when the Family feels ready, a really nice, loving puppy would be great medicine for all…I wish you all the best !!

Answer #2

Try to get one that doesn’t bite or yap…Try a female golden retriever.

Answer #3

it depends on how you and your family feel about it but I think adopting is a great idea. …sorry for your loss…

Answer #4

Yes, I agree with everyone above. Rescue a puppy or dog from a local shelter, where many animals are put to sleep just because there’s not enough room. 1/4 of all animals at shelters are purebred, as well, and mine always has puppies.

Answer #5

omg its a dog.Get overyoureself!!! you need to get sum REAL PROBLEMS.its a good thing that you put it down it could have killed a little kid or something.sry bout the kids but you arent making it anybeter. a new dog will help when are dog got ran over we got a new one. we were still sad but it hellped a lot. to have a new pupey to takr care of.

Answer #6

Sorry about your dog, getting a new pet is a great idea they will make a new good impact on your life just like the other dog did: made a good impact an your life, but they will never replace the other dog or take the place of the dog the new pet will make a new place in your life just like the other dog did and remember no need to cry because your dog is in HEAVEN!:)

Answer #7

it was good for might not seem so at the time but this is good for youre will make them stronger. the kids will understand death beter and that nothing last forever. rember that kids learn how to recat to sit uations from you.

Answer #8

girlfromga… that was so harsh and pretty uncalled for. Tisk tisk!

Answer #9

I think you should wait a bit before you get another dog, but definitely get one. If you don’t wait, (in my experience at least) then you are always reminded of the dog that you had and loved when you get your new one. Though that may be just me. I reckon you should follow bubblicious97’s advice. Britz

Answer #10

well yeh get a new dog. Give it a couple of months when everyone has settled down. Then see what the family says. If more people say yes then GET a new dog, if more people say NO then DON”T get a new dog. IF everyone agrees take them all out and decide which one they want. GODD LUCK. aLSO I’m VERY sorry for your loss!!!

Answer #11

I think you should go to a shelter and adopt a new dog. Every time I’ve ever had a pet pass away, I have gotten a new one and it definitely heals a lot of pain.

Answer #12

girlfromga, maybe you should look into some sensitivity training…you could use it…Frankly, it’s people like you that make me like my dog more than most humans…The great majority here, would feel the same about losing their pet…and empathize with the questioner…Maybe you should move to the Enviromental Issues section, where there’s probably a good argument going, but no grieving hearts.

Yes…I think you should get another pet…but…not until EVERYONE in the family is ready…that includes you…A puppy has a way of filling the empty hole left by the death of your old dog.


Answer #13

Dear missinlittleshady, It is always best when you have children to let them go through a grieving stage. They really don’t bounce back as fast as you think, they just are not able to articulate as well about their feelings as the adults do. Also children can feel that things are easily replaced when you move to fast. We want them to know that death is a final episode and that they must work through these feelings. I suggest you wait 6 months or more before bringing in another animal. Take plenty of time to reminisce and go through photos and remember the good times you had with your dog. It’s never wise to rush into a replacement. Sue…good luck

Answer #14

…so sorry for your loss… I think adopting is a fantastic idea, but only when the entire family is ready.

Answer #15

if you want to argue w/ me go post sumthin on my page dont take up room on the ? board K

Answer #16

im sorry for your loss if you adopt I hope you have fun with the new dog but if your not ready yet dont do it yet because like about 6 years ago my grandparents dog passed away I was very close to it and so were they but they moved on and got a new pet like 1 year later I really miss that dog

Answer #17

ok so I was hartsh its just that I have a lot more serious problems than a dog sry. but I diagree with sue know that death is final. my lil bros and sisters loved it when we got a new dog. but they still spent time by the old dogs grave and talked about him.

Answer #18

yes, but wait a while.

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