should I have given her a 2nd chance?

I have been in love with my best friend for a little over a year now, over the past few months she has told me she has feelings for me also, She says she loves me. But yesterday I found out she had sex with herr ex- boyfriend two days ago, After confronting her with this ahe attmitted to it and said she realy did love me but she still loved him too. I told her that she couldnt have both of us and she would have to decide who she realy wanted in her life, she said she needed the weekend to talk about it and she would tell me her decision monday, should I have given her a second chance at all? I think she will probley choose him but what if she does choose me? I love her but I will always be afraid she would do something like this again, so what do you think?

Answer #1

Well by the sounds of it you two arent dating? When you love someone, apart of you always will, even when you’ve moved on and found someone else… so it’s not always that easy to let someone go. If you really love her then give her another chance but take things really slow, don’t rush into anything…maybe just seeing each other for a while so you can build the trust up and make sure you communicate wih each other…because without communication things wont work as well as they could. Make sure your honest with her, and she is with you. But if she does come to realise she wants to be with her ex, try and let her go. Have some space away from her till you feel that you’ve moved on, by all means dont stop talking to her or anything, just distant yourself a bit. Also try and distract yourself by going new places, hanging with friends, meeting new people etc…it all helps. Hope what I’ve said helps. Let me know how things go :)

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