What are the chances of my vagina tightening again?

I had sex for the first time on oct 2nd last year. Have done it only several times that month. Does the vagina tightens after not having sex for 1 year?

Answer #1

I dont agree with lilithe99 ,I am a mother of 3 and as long as you do kegels quite a bit, like every time you think about you can have a very tight vagina almost like a virgins :)

Answer #2

The vagina tightens over time but never back the way it was. Kegels excersise as suggested above with help .

Answer #3

It tightens after a week or so of not having sex. You can do these excersises, I forgot what they are called. They begin with K.

How to do it: You know that stretch you do to hold pee in? Do 10 of them a day.

And it’ll be a lot tighter in about 6 weeks or so.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice