should I break up with him?

ok so I have this boyfriend that I dont get to see that much. everytime I try to call him he is busy so I ask him to call me back and he says ok but he never does. and when I finaly get to talk to him he never listens to me all he does is watch tv while im on the phone with him. is he a good boyfriend for me or should I dump him and find someone better??

Answer #1

hell yes, girl. you need a man to treat you with respect & have the decensy to call you & atleast check up on you. if he cares about you, he’ll want to atleast talk for a few minutes out of a day. drop that kid, & find you someone worth a damn (:

Answer #2

he isnt that great of a boyfriend. I mean he doesnt listen to you nor does he call you like he says…and if you dont get to see him much it just makes matters worse. im sorry

Answer #3

dumb his a**

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