should I break-up with him?

my boyfriend and I have been going out for almost half a year! His best friend is always telling me that most of the time it looks like he’s going out with his friend trisha, not me because he’s always flirting with her. Then my friend Jay goes and tells me the same thing! I’m thinming of breaking up with him, but whenever he’s around me he asks like he still likes me… what should I do?

Answer #1

damn you actually gonna beleev friends? ever heard of rumors? you should talk to him but be calm. and clear your mind before you talk to him. like im a guy and I know we say some stupid things when we caught off guard so if you have this building flame in you and go to talk to him,and he says argument gonna pop off. and most guys flirt with their friends its how we are,you can’t get mad at that but yeah talk to him about it. give him a chance,let him explain

Answer #2

Deffenintly talk to him! Also, I’d say watch out for it. First sign he might cheat…go ahead and dump him!

Answer #3

hmmm talk to him about it and if it continues brek up with him.. if he really loves you he will respect you and listen to you

Answer #4

well all you have to do is talk to him tell him you need to talk and if he still flirts with that same girl or any other girls then just break up with him I know its hard

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