Should I break up with him?

My boyfriend and I really really like each other, but we have little miscommunications ALL the time and pretty soon they turn in to fights and I hate fighting. We’ve had a bunch of fights but we have always been able to work them out. and I love being with him but this miscommunication thing is really starting to get on my last nerve. And when we do fight he talks really disrespecfully to me. most of the time he’s understanding but I just feel that things might not get better.

Answer #1

all couples fight. It’s a part of relationships. If he gets really disrespectful tell him this “I’m not the one getting personal” or “It really hurts when you say things like that”. Also be the adult and never get emotional. Ask him why you guys are fighing and try to work it out.

Answer #2

Things won’t get better if you ignore the fact that you two are fighting.

I know your saying it doesn’t seem like that but you two probably don’t try to comprehend together why is it that you both fought. You two need to understand that fighting isn’t part of a healthy relationship (at least from my perspective) and that you two need to work it out together if you want this relationship to work.

Talk with him about all the times you both fought and try to think back why you two where both fighting. Was it a good reason? Was there a real need to fight? Listen to each other and understand each others perspective. Once you two understood why you both fight then you can work on stopping fights from happening so often. One of you has to take the initiative to say ‘’why are we fighting?’’ so that way you both can realize that your harming each other and it isn’t getting anywhere.

Keep in mind that this has to be done together, you both need to give 100% for this to work out the way you both want it too or else it’ll just be a lost cause.

Hope this helps.

Answer #3

I know how you feel but den again you shudnt leave him becus every couple is going to have up and downs and fight every nw and den dats sum that not new every1 does it

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