Should I believe what I read?

There’s this guy… I dated him online.. he cheated and now. 2 years later.. we’re friends again.. he says he still likes me.. and broke up with his ex. I believed him.. although I didn’t date him.. I’m falling for him.. and I’m scared for just another heart break. I just checked out his myspace and it said that he was happily in love with his girlfriend [Courtney] and he doesn’t want it anyway else. It hurt.. and now I have no idea what to believe. He promised me he wouldnt go back to her.. because of what she’s done to him. I got mad the other day and told him I didn’t want to talk to him. My mistake.. but I don’t know what to do right now.. What should I do? This thing is only online… but we have been thinking about getting together sometime.. What should I do… I’ve been trying to call him.. he’s not picking up…

Answer #1

mann really he’s cheating he’s a jerk dont trust him dont talk to him forget about him your better than that concentrate on your life, have fun and enjoy urself because your way better than being used and cheated on and you deserve more

Answer #2

forget about him. obviously hes a liar and a cheater and you wouldnt want to get your heart broken twice, trust me..once a cheater- always a cheater

Answer #3

heres the thing… if you dont know him and have never seein him… you are not falling for him.. online people can pretend to besomething they’re not… dont trust him… this Courtney chick probably cheated on him and now he is just probaby trying to get back at her by cheating… he obviously cant be trusted so just tell that idiot to go buy a clue your probably a great person and deserve so much better besides… I have had an ex who I broke up with and he tred to getme jealous andgot agirl pregnant… he says he loves mebut im not taking a chance at aheart break, neither should you

Answer #4

Forget him. Since he’s already cheated on you before, if you guys do get back together, any little shady thing that he does, will have you questioning whether or not he’s being unfaithful to you. Trust me. I’ve been through it. I decided to take back my ex after he cheated on me and the remainder of our relationship consisted of me hounding him and spying on him to see if he was still being unfaithful, which… he was. Hence why he is my EX. What a a$$hole he was. You deserve so much better than that.

Answer #5


Answer #6

Are you saying you’re dating someone you’ve never even met in person? Sweetie, you’re not falling for him, as much as you are falling with your “idea” of him. And a lot of times, the two just don’t add up when you finally meet in person. You can’t really know until you meet the person. Usually girls who are vulnerable and want to really believe that there is someone special out there who loves them. It’s much easier to idealize someone you’ve never met before then a person you spend ever day with! The internet is a cool thing, it has opened up possibilities in numerous ways,but sending money to someone, or making a commitment, it’s got scam written all over it.

It may be a way to meet people, but until there is personal contact, you can’t really count on anything.

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