Just read and tell me what I can do

I mite be pregnant, And my boyfriend knows this, But I told him I came on my period, But it onli lasted for about 3 hours, normally it happens for 5 days, It was just a moment, so I dont think it was my period, It dint feel right and as I said it onli lasted for a lil bit, Have I had my period or not? I have thrown up 3 times in 2 days and fo no reason what so ever,

We have just had an argument so I cant say that I havnt had a period and I mite still be pregnant because he wont believe me or he may think im saying it just to get back with him

What should I do???

Answer #1

uh wow retard… take test… lol

Answer #2

take a test and see a doctor

Answer #3

You could still be pregnant - you should take a pregnancy test ASAP. If you are already late or your period is already due - you should take a test NOW. It’s very important to find out if you are pregnant so you can get medical care and take your vitamins right away for you and the baby’s health.

Bleeding does not mean you are not pregnant.

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