What are your opinions on Shirley Phelps-Roper?

wow, I really can’t explain how I feel about this woman.

She is so delusional, it’s absolutely hilarious.

I don’t know if you heard her on the Kane Morning show on 95.5 about protesting at Heath Ledgers funeral.

what are your opinions on this woman,

if you haven’t heard…

Answer #1

shirley roper is full of s*. she protests against the very soldiers that give her the right to be free and to protest. she needs to take a walk in an american soldier’s shoes and then go to hell.

Answer #2

She and her entire family are nothing more than whack jobs - full of hate and intolerance. I think that that entire family (and the West Boro Baptist Church is only made up of that family and their immediate friends) is only to be despised or pitied, depending on your capacity to stomach them. However … In America they have the right to free speech, and I have the right to laugh and ridicule them.

p.s. I tried that url and it didn’t work. Try www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3PyoUPcobA

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