Sexual Abuse

When I was a child I got sexual abused by my brother, my parents didn’t no about it, because he said he would hurt me more… I hated it.. more than anything.

Now, its been 8 years.. and he is doing it again..

How do I tell my parents? And to get them to believe me? pleease help me…

Answer #1

hey only red this question now - hope things are better. If your are too scared to tell the police or your parents I’d suggest a teacher that you trust. There obliged to follow up. Id be worried telling my parents as id imagine they might try to fix it themselves your brother is obviously sick and they cant help him Good Luck

Answer #2

tell the police it is the best thing to do is he still abusing you then tell some one you trust if he is not have you told a adult\police\some one you trust

Answer #3

omg thatz f*cking sick!!! tell the police do me a BIG favor and pick up a phone and dail 911… you are not alone there will be people that will help you… your doing the right thing on speaking up!!! TELL SOMEONE NOW!!!

Answer #4


Answer #5

Video evidence would put him away - not that you have to go through with anything just clearly express your non-consent on tape or tell a competent adult who can help…top priority is your safety…I wish you the best !!

Answer #6

I am so sorry. it made me upset to read this, because it is just terrible what he is doing to you. Tell another adult you trust besides your parents first.

Answer #7

Girl, you need to call the police because there is no reason for him to be sexually abusing you.

Im thinking that if you tell your parents they’re gonna convince you not to call the police but that would give your brother the opportunity to continue abusing you, probably even worse. So, you should call the police the next time he does it IMMEDIATELY and then let them explain to your parents whats really been going on. The police will come to your rescue immediately.

I dont know how you feel about your brother going to jail, but what he is doing is not rite and jail is exactly where he belongs so CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY OK.

Answer #8

tell the police what your borother did is illegal and after all this time of the abuse it would have deeply affected your life emotionally and your self esteem you need to first tell the police what your brother has done and is doing they should take him in which will stop him abusing you any anyone else then tell your parents what your brother has been doing it wont be easy, but once they find out they should be extreemly angry at him and only want to offer you there love and support and remember that nothing he did was your fault it was his

Answer #9

The way I dealt with this was contacting someone at school who was specially trained for this kind of thing. It was scary at first, they asked questions I didn’t know the answer to as I was so young when it happend and I’d blocked it out. They helped me tell my mother, who was distraught, but was very supportive. Telling someone takes a lot of guts, you’d be extremely brave and strong for telling someone, but you cannot carry on like this, trust me, the feeling of knowing everything’s going to be okay is the best. :)

Answer #10

Take immediate action. Don’t wait! If you feel an immediate threat and your parents do not believe you, contact your local police department.

If you are afraid to contact the police and do not have another adult you can talk to (a friend, teacher, counselor), try contacting a Teen Hotline in your area. They will be able to walk you through what steps you can take to stop this from happening.

Whatever you do, get help! For yourself and your brother. Today!

Answer #11

Hayley ,the other advisors up above are right, you must tell some one in authority, if you dont /cant face your parents for help, your brother is going to play on this. if you dont want to go to the police, tell your family doctor who will examine you and at your request he/she will contact your parents with proof and concern, if your parents do not act upon this advice in order to protect your brother from prosecution, then please do go to the police, they have special departments & counsels to deal with it, please act NOW. Franklyn.

Answer #12

if you tell the police he wont be their to hurt u. he’l be where he belongs, jail.

Answer #13

tell the police, they will make sure your brother is locked away where he cant hurt u

Answer #14

..Im scared he’ll hurt me.. even more

Answer #15

tell someone close to you. but make sure it gets dealed with

Answer #16

Thank you so much everyone ;.;

Answer #17

Thanks everyone. this is makeing me.. wanna cry.

Thanks for caring.

Answer #18

Don’t tell your parents; tell the police.

Answer #19

well.. maybe you should try telling another adult that you trust…

then your parents. you and that other adult can all have a talk?

I don’t know if your going to go straight to your parents, just be like mom, dad I have to talk to u.. you have to believe me, and I really need your help, im scared and something has to be done.. my brother is sexually abusing me and I really need you guys right now, this has to stop…

just be really sincere, and you will prob cry… but they will believe you…

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