How to let him know he didn't do anything wrong?

My boyfriend and I have been together for quite some time. We dated for about 4 or 5 months before we started having sex because we wanted to be sure about it because he was a virgin, I had past experience with one other person. When we first started having sex we were intimate quite often (almost every other day), which we both enjoyed. But, I’m at the point now where I don’t want to have sex as much, I want to just lay there and cuddle with him instead. I talked to him about it and he said thats completely fine with him, he has seemed okay with it. I haven’t just like dropped the sex all together, its just not as much as it was before . But the problem is, he has this thought in his head that he did something wrong. He didn’t do anything wrong at all, and I hate that hes feeling that way. I’m glad he is okay with the whole idea I just don’t want him blaming himself thats all.

Any ideas on how I can make him understand that he did nothing wrong?

Answer #1

Well, I didnt mean “cut off” literally. To him it probably seems he has been, after hes used to getting it every other day. I look back on a past relationshipof mine, and my ex was a very physical person. I realize now, thats not what a relationship should be about. Communication is so important. If he really loves you, he will understand , and accept your feelings. Good Luck!

Answer #2

yes, he should respect your feelings but you will find it hard to explain to him that its not him, I’ve been in a similar situation in the past, and nothing could be said to make me think it wasnt me. it would eat at me for a while trying to fiure it out. there just came a time that I realised that it was how the raltionship was and I was happy with that.

whats worth a try in my eyes if your fella is a romantic person, try making the times you do have sex more romantic, or adventurous dependant upon yourselves, this way he hopefully will subconciously relise that it is a “special time” and will appriciate it more, but again like I said it al epends on th type of guy he is and the type of person you are

hope this is of some help

Answer #3

A man “cut off” from sex by the woman he cares for will believe he is no longer loved. Sex is a measure of love for him. Men and Sex for Women: Many men do not feel loved by women unless sex is involved. They feel the relationship begins when sex begins and ends when sex ends. These men often push sex before women are ready, often killing any chance for a relationship to form or grow.

Its going to be hard try and make him understand all of a sudden, why you dont want to have sex as much, especially after getting it as often as he did.

Answer #4

Thanks a lot :)

Answer #5

I didn’t like completely cut him off though… its just a little less thats all. Hopefully maybe he will speak up about it more instead of acting like its okay and thinking otherwise. We talk to each other about everything so hopefully he will talk about it, he might think I’ll get mad or something, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t though, I want to know whats going through his mind. I understand where you are coming from though. Thanks.

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