Who is selfish - the world or people?

Answer #1

The world can’t be selfish, because it does not have a personality. It has no “self”. Selfishness is a trait of personality. Things can’t be selfish.

Answer #2

People are selfish

Answer #3

@rotten_sheep_of_evil pretty much said it all … the world can’t be selfish - it has no emotions.

Answer #4

People are selfish and take the world for granted.

Answer #5

Of course the people.

Answer #6

If you are asking, are people selfish or the world, then it must be the people as unless the world has a personality, it can’t be selfish.

Answer #7

i am very much into philosophies… the conclusion dat i got was that the world is self obsessed… evn stefen hawkins has said this indirectly…. nd remember the world nvr gives us nythin (most ppl think it does) but v hav 2 take things frm the world….

Answer #8

The people, deep down inside there is always the thought of doing something selfish.

Answer #9

Then we people are junk.Why are we so selfish?????

Answer #10

Ppl r…

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