Searching for truth

I’m a christian, and believe in god… Learning from church god is the only true and real god…but if that’s true… Why are there so many other different beliefs and gods?

Answer #1

The fact that other people have different opinions/beliefs doesn’t make my belief in my God and the Lord Jesus Christ, any less true.

Answer #2

Why are there so many other different beliefs and gods?

Because, quite simply, Christianity as you practice it (unless your catholic) originated with the printing press, when Bibles first became available to the masses, not just in the hands of priests, less than 700 years ago.

So, during that period of history (gosh, most of human history) there wasn’t a bible, there wasn’t a jesus, and the largest countries in the world (China, India) have HUGE populations of people that have NEVER heard of most western religions (Christian, Catholic, Judaism, or Islam).

Why do these exist? Because apparently, God only meant his divine message to spread through rape & plunder, fire & sword…the European countries were decimated by the Holy Roman Empire (didn’t you study in school?) and forced those countries leaders to convert or die.

After their own temples were burned to the ground, and the new church came in, what choice did the local peasentry, illiterate, never with any religious text because people didn’t have books back then…what were they to do? It was child’s play to rob them of their own history & culture.

Theft of cultural identity…it’s how religion spreads :)

However, faith, for anybody, is a matter of belief in what you think is right. Just don’t believe in something that ignores fact.

Answer #3

because in the bible it talks about a devil and it tal;ks about how many nations and “religions” will rise up claming they are the true one and they are not the devil will do any thing to get you to worship anything but him

Answer #4

If you truly search for truth, YOU WILL FIND IT!!!

What better way, to dilute the truth, than to throw in a whole mismash of different ideas???

Can you think of a better way??

I can’t.

Answer #5

Interesting answers above. So you can basically believe that there are lots of religions because lots of people made them all up.


You can believe that some invisible, evil monster made them all up just to confuse you in the hopes that you’d give up on the Creator (whoever or whatever that is) and wind up in a lake of fire.

Doesn’t seem to me you need to search very hard to see which is more likely.

Answer #6

If the bible tells you that many will be led astray, how do you know you aren’t one of the ones being led astray? I don’t know which sect of christianity you belong to, but how do you know it is your sect and not another?

Answer #7

Have you ever heard the saying this: Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby. (Mat 7:13)

Answer #8

Read Duet 13:1-4

       1 John 4:1-3
       Col 2:8

That is a question I feel I can answer for you. In this world many will be led astray by false teachings and false prophets. It is hard to have discernment in this world, and must be prayed for daily. I can tell you from personal experience that it is easy to be led astray by “good feelins”. It stands to reason that people who don’t go back to the source will be led astray.

Also, other religions have been around since the same time as Judaism. I always wonder about it myself. If you get no reasonable answers here, always go back to the source. The bible tells us that many will be led astray.

Answer #9

there is one god but the beliefs are so many ,your job is to follow god and his lead don’t listen to other religion because the only true religion is have to put in your mind that god create everything including us the most important to god ,and you have to understand that jesus came to earth to help us and this is the proof you are looking for

Answer #10

to me, I think its the devil preying on people’s minds. he knows that once you come into relationship with God and step into the authority and dominion that is rightfully yours over your life, he (the devil) will no longer have authority in your life. the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy and he cant do that if everyone recognizes his works and casts him out. he needs to keep people from coming to God. There are demons specially assigned to each individual person to ensure that they do not come into their purpose. bc he knows that if we do, he is in trouble, he’ll be out of a job. so he has people distracted with other religions and fighting other people, when he really is the true and only enemy. the devil’s greatest weapon is distraction. that’s all that is.

Answer #11

If you study history each denomination or sect is a branch from a prior one. The church goes so far then there are a few as Maritn Luther who find a new revelation and they branch off from their first place. then that church only goes so far and some person gets a new revelation of God and they go on like the penticostal. In other words many ways ONE GOD. when its wrong is when they can’t admit He is the one and only God and he revealed Him self thru Jesus.

Answer #12

Just like different authors write different kinds of books, different people constructed different types of religion… all for power.

Answer #13

oh, everyone always thinks their toys are the best.

Answer #14

Because they are all made up by humans, but that’s a whole different story.

Answer #15

“why are there so many other different beliefs and Gods?”


v Religion and church 
  1.        The common purpose of religion is to aid the entity in its search for Truth. 
  2.        Each entity's level of development and understanding is different. 
  3.        It takes many different styles of religion to accommodate the growth needs of entities at various times. 
  4.        The value of a religion can be judged by its operation and intended accomplishments. 
  5.        Churches exist for the benefit of entities. 
  6.        Churches are to religion what a bathtub is to water. 
  7.        They allow the entity an opportunity to soak in the fellowship of like-minded entities. 
  8.        Churches also allow an entity a method through which to share. 

  In contrast to believing in the Bible, I believe:

  1. That God is that Creative/Causative Force that exists before the beginning of the universe/time and continues to exist outside of the universe and time.

  2. That “Force” created/caused the spiritual/soul entities to come into being.

  3. The spiritual/soul entities continued the “Creation” with the “Big Bang”. And, through evolution and possibly subtle manipulations, have caused the current state of affairs.

  4. The spirits/souls choose to inhabit the various physical bodies that they have created in order to experience physical reality.

  5. When bodies die the spirit/soul continues to exist and often times reincarnates into another body in order to continue its growth.

  6. The purpose of it all is for the spirits/souls (entities) to gain knowledge and experience and to ultimately rejoin or evolve back into the Oneness of God.


I am a Deist! (One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.)

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

  in my opinion

  1. God created/caused our spirits (entities) along with the universe to come into being. God established the purpose for it all but doesn’t involve Its self in the continuance or activities of same.

  2. “Sin” is man’s concept and is utilized by men to control other men. The human caused “negative events” that take place are circumstances that are considered by us in the non-life experience between incarnations as we evaluate the successes and failures we made as we attempted to achieve our goals during our incarnations.

  3. The Bible (and similar religious books) is a necessary concoction created by man to control man and his environment. It was necessary because mankind, in its infancy, did not have the medical and technological knowledge to conquer and understand its environment so had to be controlled by superstitions which were found to save lives and further the survivability of the various human societies.

Why did God make the world?

in my opinion, God diversified Itself into Its many parts and charged those parts (entities) to go forth and acquire knowledge and experience and to then return to the Oneness of God.

The entities caused the creation of the universe and everything therein and individually choose to inhabit the physical bodies.

The entities may incarnate/reincarnate many times before gravitating back into the Oneness of God.


Speculation: 1 Is God necessary?


There has to be a Source from which the “big bang” sprang forth Creating the universe.

Speculation: 2 What is God?

God is the ultimate Cause.

God is the Creative Entity, Energy or Force from which all is derived.

Speculation: 3 Where is God?

God is in a state of awareness that is outside the universe.

God has morphed part of Itself into those entities (spirits) that inhabit the universe and the physical bodies within.

Speculation: 4 Why is God?

God Is because God Is.

God is eternal, existing independent of time or the universe.

Speculation: 5 Is God concerned?


God is not concerned with the daily functioning of the universe or matters within it. That is our domain and subject to our whim.

Speculation: 6 What are we?

We are the spirits (entities) of God.

God morphed into Us and we continue to create according to God’s purpose.

Our physical bodies are simply the means we use to experience and function in the physical dimension.

Speculation: 7 Why are we?

We are for the purpose of gaining knowledge and experience.

In the end, we gravitate back into the Oneness of God allowing for the fulfillment of God.

Speculation: 8 Evolution

Evolution is simply a tool of Creation.

The entities often influence the direction of evolution along desired paths.

From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

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