SCrunCHINg My HAir

How do you get your hair to have that wavy beach look? when you’re hair is naturally straight!!!

Answer #1

Wash your hair and while wet, braid or plait your hair, let it dry over night. Or you can buy one of those heated crinkle devices. Oh, dont comb or brush your hair once you take it down, just HAND comb it. When I say braid, I don’t mean corn row braids.

Answer #2

Buy some ‘sea salt spray’ for your hair and spray it all over while your hair is wet. Take sections of hair one at a time and twist them until they curl up tight, then pin the ends of each piece to your head to hold it in place. Do this to all of your hair then take a hairdryer and fully blast your hair to dry it completely. then unpin each twisted piece of hair from your head and let it drop down. do not brush it. Shake your head to loosen the twists and gently run your fingers through it. It should work :)

Answer #3
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