Is it true some religions don't believe in going to the doctors?

Is it true some religions don’t believe in going to the doctors? I’m talking about if you come down with an illness. I hear some religions believe in self healing and don’t go to the doctors. I was just wondering if that’s true or not.

Answer #1

yes thats true there are some religions that believe that if it is gods will to heal you he will and that you should pray and if it is not in his will he will not heal you there are a few schools that are based off of that religion and instead of having physical trainers they just run out and pray if one of their players is injured there are also variable degrees of that some belive in medicine others dont some say you can do stuff for medical purposes but not material (like botox or acne medicine) its all based off of the fact that God created us in his own image and they believe that he does and creates us the way he wants and should not challenge that

Answer #2

is that what christian science is? I sorta wondered but never got around to finding out about it.

Im not against the faith healing thing but I really dont think its a good idea to withhold medical intervention when someone clearly needs it

Answer #3

gypsies I can tell you right now. but yea as babygirl1220 said what their beliefs were. I kind of hate religions like that because helpless baby, kids, teens, and adults dont get the help they need.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Yes. “Christian Science” (oh the irony) is one group whose members often eschew the use of medicine in favor of prayer.

Recently in Wisconsin, an 11 year old diabetic girl died when her parents prayed instead of taking her to the doctor (where a shot of insulin would have saved her life). More about that and ‘faith healing’ in general here: and here:

Answer #6

That’s scientology,they believe god should heal the ill since he created you.

Answer #7

Some religions don’t believe in going to the doctors. Two things you should know about this..

First thing, the teaching isn’t really a bad teaching. What it really is, when the temple has problems with it, we should rely on the Spirit of God. When the Spirit fills our temple, the temple can be fixed. This is really true. God designed our bodies to carry his Spirit. This is where we get eternal life. God dwells in us and we become healed.. This is true.

Second thing, if people put there faith in God, instead of going to the hospital, in many cases, this can be good. But not in all cases. There were many doctors in the Bible. In the Bible, first people would see if the doctor could fix their problem. You can see this with the woman with the issue of blood. She had her period for 12 years and she went to many doctors, but the bible said, there was nothing that the doctors could do. She wanted to be healed so bad, but she did not know Jesus. So she struggled and struggled to get to him. Finally, one day Jesus was passing by and there was a big crowd around him. She knew that she could not talk to him, but her faith was, “If I can just touch the edge of his cloak” So she struggled and struggled. In those days, if someone had blood, and you touched them, they would be considered unclean by Jewish law. This was a big deal, she risked her life. But she did not care, she pushed and shoved the crowd and reached out and touched the edge of his cloak. At that moment, the Bible said, Jesus felt his power go out of him and she was heal. Immediately, he turned around and said, who touched me?! When he saw her, he said, you faith has made you well. What’s the point? This is Christian life, that we struggle and struggle until we can just touch the edge, then we can find healing. It’s not bad to go to the doctors, but we should know that they are limited and that we should use wisdom when it comes to our temple. If it’s better not to take something, we shouldn’t take it. Because our bodies are for God, so that he can liv e inside us. But if we just utilize our bodies for our own gain all the time, that’s just really wicked.

Also, a church that says, we don’t believe in going to the doctors, I don’t really think they know God too well. It sounds like God is so conceptual and not real. God is not just some theologies of do’s and don’ts.. God is practical. Kids should get regular check ups. Adults should get physicals, why? God wants us to be good stewards of or bodies the best we can, so that we can do the work of God effectively. For instance, if you find out that your cholesterol is high, you should diet. But we should also know that life is about the body, but the body is about life. We shouldn’t focus too much on it. But definitely a religion that preaches salvation by rules like these, don’t have a good understanding of life or God. But on the other hand, we should not put faith in doctors, thinking that they are always the answer. For instance, drugs. Like maybe, birth control.. If you don’t want kids, don’t have sex. Because what happens too many times is, when women get older, they keep taking the same amount of drug and there hormone levels change. But they keep the same dosage, then because of the drug, they start getting emotionally unstable and it can cause permanent damage. Just because they wanted to do something that is unnatural. Many things like this.. Kids with ADD. They give those kids light dosages of speed. But these Kids don’t need speed. They need to deal with deep traumatic experiences. Not just drug them up. This is where the Bible comes in. But people always want to go the easy way and just drug them up so they can have a good time. Then later that Kid still has to deal with those problems.

Anyway, faith is about relationship with God. It’s about living the life Jesus is talking about. This may or may not include going to the doctor. But a religion that make it a law, that’s not what God is looking for. God wants people to do whats right. Not worry about medical care. If someone needs to go to the doctor, pray they go to a good one.. You know…

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