School and encouragment

I dropped out a while ago… But this year I wanna go back.. Im a little nervous… Can someone please give me some words of encouragment

Answer #1

congrats on deciding to go back!! that’s totally the right decision!! don’t be nervous, you’ll be fine. you already have more life experience than most other students, so you should have no problems meeting people and making friends. good luck!

Answer #2

there is nwt to worryy; just like make friends as quick as pos, then start getting to know them really well, but trust me dntt go for the gangster oness if you get me, because they might be tricking you to do stuff and gettin you into trouble go for the nice oness :) thtss what happened wid mee xx

Answer #3

The only regret you’ll have is in not trying.

I went back to school after being gone for 5 years. It was tough, but I would never have changed it for the world, and, I actually had a really good time.

It was different - I didn’t have to endure the typical ‘highschool angst’ because there were new people and I ended up having several ‘followers’ (I call them that because they were teenagers looking to me for advice and support).

You’ll do just fine…going back is never the wrong decision.

Answer #4

thank you so much

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