scavenger hunt!

any good ideas for a photo scavenger hunt?

Answer #1

There’s two ways to have a photo scavenger hunt:

  1. Group finds subjects of photos: The newspaper in Fredericksburg, VA puts on an annual photo scavenger hunt. They have their photographers take pics on a very defined area of downtown, then publish the photos and have the participants write in the address where they saw the item in the photos. Some of the photos can be extremely easy to find, some very difficult. The trick is that all subjects have to be viewable from a spot that is publicly accessible. I am going to try and get the same thing going in my new town. Here’s a link to the photos they used for the 2007 contest:

  2. Group takes photos of subjects. Here you define what the subjects and rules are going to be. The group then goes out and photographs them. The contest can be purely on who gets the most photos/subjects, or who gets the most points. 10 points for each subject, then 1 to 10 points on quality of photo for subject. (voted on as a group.)

Type 2 is better for classes, scouts, or whenever you are going to have a recurring group, while type 1 is better for visitors, or one time contests.

Have fun!!!

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