scared at school

ok heres what happened one person from my class assulted another person with fists legs arms and elbows and nearly BROKE HER LEG and is in an inschool suspedshion. o yea I forgotte to tell you I was trying to pull him off so should I be scared if he brings in a knife or a gun because im sure I would be first on his list

Answer #1

Would he bring in a knife or a gun? if they would you cant let it happen, speak to your teachers about it and if he comes into school with a knife or a gun you have to tell the police.

Answer #2

someone at my school was like that and they broke someones arm and nose, they got expelled in the end. I know it might sound wimpish but you should tell a teacher or something, if you keep talking to your teacher about it they might expell the person. but if you know theyd proably bring in a knife of gun, stay with your friends and tell the police and school. x

Answer #3

first tall to your parents, then together go see your princible you can also make “good” friends and with the friends you have now stay together, don’t let yourself be alone or you may become a target a word of advise: change that screen name, you don’t want the attention that’s going to derive from that. if you do? then you really need to take a good look at yourself, read some books and say to yourself “I could be president some day” “I can be something”. don’t let the scum of the earth suck you in.
seeing that I’m in the wrong place here, I’m unregestering and going back to my physics sites. ps: you kids have your whole future ahead of you, besides, this generation your in will be running the country some day! be strong minded!

Answer #4

What scumbag would beat up a girl! I dont think he would be stuped enough to pull a trigger on you tho from what I’ve seen from american schools it does happen. Just make sure you dont go out of your way and say stuff about how he got done in tho dont let him intimidate you because once someone knows ure scared thats when they feel more confident.

Answer #5

Talk to someone, but as for this b** this is always someone bigger who lives round the corner…meaning this twt will get whats coming to him !!!

Answer #6

Talk to the school, and perhaps, the police about your concern.

You have every right to be afraid for your own safety and considering your part in this situation, it only stands to reason that some sort of security be put in place to protect you.

I don’t understand why this person was not expelled.

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