Am I being a bad friend?

Well one of my friends is gooing next week to tunis for the modeling contest for one week (4 shoots, 3 catwalks) shes been telllin everyone, and it seems as if the people are hanging out with her even more now… Shes kinda the “popular one” but I want to be happy for her, just deep inside it feels as if I don’t want her to go there and I don’t want her to win :( I dunno y, I thought its maybe because everyone hangs out with her and my other friend more than me, I feel like the odd one out and sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in :( I want to be happy for her, and support her… Am I being a bad friend?? Wats actually wrong with me?

Answer #1

nothings wrong with you, its just a bit of old jealousy. I get jealous of people really easy so I know how it is to wish bad things upon people you care about. you are feeling like you want her not to go or not to win because maybe your worried of feeling more left out + possibly loosing her to people that are only friends with her because of the modelling. your not being a bad friend but you just have to try and support her + want her to win. dont make it feel as if your against her, try and be with her. if that makes sense? like dont hope she doesnt win just so you feel better about the situation, hope that she does win so that shes happy + with her being happy it might make you happy because you wanted that for her. sorry im probably talking a load of rubbish but this is what I think. possibly tell her that you are like really jealous or that you dont want to loose her to other people who arnt real friends. hope that helps? x

Answer #2

thanks for your help :) I appreciate it,

Answer #3

U are just jealous and you know it. You should try to help your friends and people around you. Try to be happy for them and think positive rather than thinking in the way you are doing. If you can even do a small thing no matter how small to help your friend in that contest…encourage urself to do it. I think you are a nice person and ull remove those negative emotions your having through practice …good luck :)

Answer #4

well I did tell her I want her to win and stuff, but I just cant seem to think it … I know I might be jealous but y? modeling is so not what I want to do XD Its just that I feel different to everybody else in my class :( and I try to fit in but then I feel like im not myself, shes my friend and I want her to to good, I just think im a bit worried that when she comes bk and if she wins then shes gonna think more of herself and everyone will keep being with her. Im nt sure tho. Shes a girly girl who loves clothes and well known brands and stuff like that XD and im the complete opposite. Thx for the help tho :)

Answer #5

well tell her how you are feeling she will undestand it’s better to keep it to urself or tell others because she will find out by others and she would not be happy so it’s good you tell her the truth of how you fell and hope she can undestand

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